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 nicoles stories (emmett house)

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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

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PostSubject: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:49 pm

ok this is the story if edward never came back after leaving her after her 18th birthday.. i will warn you its really sad.. and really LONG its like 20 chapters.. there are a lot of typos but yeah.. youll get the point.. hope you all like it.. give me feedback XD

chapter 1

I walked into the school gym wearing a long strapless dress that sparkled like crazy every time I moved into the light. The open cute leg gave me a breeze where it was not necessary, and the stiletto heels did not make me feel anymore comfortable then my hair up into a very complicated looking bun and curly bangs coming down my face. My bright red lipstick and my overly put on mascara and eyeliner was not helping me either.
I swore I would never come to a school dance ever again but Jessica and Angela forced me to come here.
I immediately flushed when I walked into the gym door and every gaped at me shouting things like 'Bella you look stunning' and 'SEXY!'
I groaned, "Guys take me back I don't want to be here," I said making way between Ben and Angela.
They pushed me back while Jessica was holding on to my arm, I knew they weren't going to let me off easy, I thought angrily to myself. "No Bella. You are going to have a great night OK...come on, you need to get out. I'll be here with you." Jessica said still holding my hand.
"Besides you look wonderful," Angela said with a pleased smile on her face.
I fell back on a chair and pouted.
"Bella please please please be cooperative. We want to help you have a teen life! Besides this is your last prom we want you to have fun in it. Please." Jessica said sitting next to me. "Liven up I don't have a date either," she scowled but then regained her perkiness, "So we can be together and we can dance together." she said holding on to my hand afraid I would make another run for it.
I dint know why Jessica came with Angela, Ben, and I to prom, I thought she hated me. But then again her 'group' did ditch her for their dates so she was stuck with me, dateless me.
"I'm not really much of a dancer." I said sincerely.
Angela giggled standing in front of me with her arms around Ben, "Bella I saw you dancing with-" she cut off short noticing that I winced, "Oh look Ben senior pictures...ugh...lets go." Angela made her way quickly to the other side of the gym.
"Ignore her." Jessica said glaring to Angela's fleeing body, "She doesn't know what she is saying," She glanced at the buffet table, "Hmmm...Bella that Troy Warren is eyeing you. Go talk to him."
I tried to make an excuse at the top of my head, "But what about you Jess?" I didn't want to be here but with one other person but I couldn't think of him now.
Jessica scoffed, "So? You go I got my eye on another piece of delicacy over there," she said pointing to Nelson Bennett.
Jessica gasped and stared wide eyed at the front door, my eyes flashed there and saw Mike standing there looking very handsome in his tux, although there was no need for the sunglasses at eight p.m.
"Bella how is my hair, my breath, my dress, my makeup?" Jessica said hyperventilating.
"Uh...fine." I said.
Mike approached us, "Hi ladies," he swiped off his sun shades.
"Hi." I said, I didnt like when Mike tried to act cool.
Jessica said in a very flirtatious voice, "Hi Mike."
"Listen, ugh...would you like to dance with me?"
Jesica stood up in a flash, "Yes Mike." And hurried him to the dance floor. with Mike shouting 'wait no not you' all the way but Jessica was to exited to listen.
I was now left alone, I looked at each of my friends dance, I had no feeling of leaving now. I was better off alone. But part of me thought that I was waiting for someone here on the dance floor and I couldnt leave.
I finally saw what I was longing for when I glanced at the gym door open and everyone gasped and froze up, some even stopped dancing to look at the beautiful figure walking throught those doors.
I couldnt believe it myself, I thought it was a dream, and by the look on everyone else so did they.
But it wasnt a dream it was him. Edward.

chapter 2

I couldn't breath, I felt light. Just staring at Edward cross the room, the lights twirling around him, him coming out of the smoke making him seem mysterious, his golden eyes looking at me. I hadn't seen him in over six months but I dint picture seeing him here and now. I wasn't ready. The room began to spin and I began to breath hard.
I know I wanted him to be here before but now with him here, I think otherwise. He will just hurt me again and I cant handle the rejection again.
I turned quickly away from him looking at Jessica and Mike who had stopped dancing even though the music was still playing, they were staring at me, Mike's expression full of anger when he looked at Edward and sympathy when he looked at me. Jessica was dazzled by Edward and worried when she saw my face.
I couldn't spot Angela nor Ben, they could have helped me. After two seconds that seemed like two hours passed, the DJ announced a raffle and people stopped looking at Edward and payed attention to their numbers. Edward dint seem to notice that all these people where gaping at him, he didn't seem to be noticing anything, he just kept his eyes on me.
I shuddered. I felt anger build up in my heart, he cant be here, he shouldn't be here. I loved him but he didn't so now all that has covered that love in these past seven months was hatred.
I was fuming but I couldn't help myself from peeking through the corner of my eye, when I did I immediately regretted it, Edward was nearly three feet away from me.
I shifted on my right foot and stared at Jessica as she screamed happily that she won fifty dollars on the raffle. I couldn't play stupid anymore when I heard a pair of feet shuffle next to me.
I heard him take in a deep breath, "Hello Bella."
I shouldn't have been used to his voice, I hadn't heard it for a long time, but I recognized it and it soothed me. But I couldn't think that way, for all I knew he could have a girlfriend already. Then what was he doing here?
I slowly turned biting my lip,I stared into his topaz eyes that always made me melt, they had no effect on me, I wanted to run away from him and everyone else. How could he be here now? He didn't love me so why would he bother me? The anger was building up harder and it made it hard to breath, but I had to answer, "Hello Edward." I said icily. I looked back to the floor.
He noticed my tone but didn't back away, "are you here alone?" He asked getting closer to me.
I perched my head up jaw tightened, "No." I said stepping an inch back, he looked around the room as if to say 'i don't see anyone with you, I fumed more, "My friends just went outside for a bit." I could feel the tears of anger fall down my face I turned away from him and wiped them off careful not to smudge.
He noticed the tears also, his face softened, "Oh well that's good I guess...I wanted to talk to you."
I didn't answer, I couldn't answer, my throat felt tight.
Edward stood in front of me blocking me from stepping forward or back as my back was already on the table, Edward pulled a small rose from his pocket, "I wanted to ask you something." I didn't answer this time shocked. He continued, "Will you forgive me, and take me back?"
The room felt light again, my anger reaching to its highest point, How dare he just come and ask me if I wanted to go out with him again. I wont, he has caused me too much pain, the least I could do is do the same to him.
I stuttered the tears returning, "W-what?" He repeated the question this time with more confidence in his voice, "Are you serious?" He cant be serious, but what if he is?
"No this is serious." He's lying to me. He doesn't love me, he wants to hurt me.
"I thought you didn't love me." I said the tears streaming down my face.
"Bella..I-" He said taking my hand and leaning down to my neck, "I love you." I shuddered and stepped to the side. He's lying to you.
"No Edward. You don't love me, a-and neither do I anymore. I wont. All this time you are gone from me and now you expect me to come back? NO!" I screamed everyone looked at me.
"Bella-" Edward said chasing after me, I started running.
He caught up to me and grabbed my hand again making me stop, I yanked it out and pushed him out of my way, "Go away Edward," I hissed looking at the ground, my eyes streaming with tears, "Leave me alone, and never come back." Then I ran to my truck and went down the street to my house, crying the whole way.
I cant trust him again, not ever.
I left Edward in the pouring rain clutching his hair and dropping on the floor. I fled as fast as the truck could let me, away from Edward.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:50 pm

chapter 3

13 years later

edwards POV
I sat on my porch looking out into the moon and the stars, remembering the day that Bella left me, on that cold rainy Forks night. She left me in the rain, wet, and lonely. She left crying but I knew they were not tears of sadness, they were tears of anger.
'till this day I cant forget what she did to me, but it was just the same as I did to her. I knew I shouldn't have gone, I should have payed attention to Alice.
Ever since that day I haven't seen Bella, I haven't been back to Forks.
I sighed a heavy sigh, the cool breeze hit my face, I could hear the crickets chirping.
The door slid open, and out popped Alice and Jasper, "Hey Edward." Alice said sitting on the steps next to me.
"Hey Alice. How did your...uh...teaching go?" I asked still gazing at the moon.
Alice had become a kindergartner teacher in a private kinder-garden school and Jasper was a psychologist, his empathy came in handy with those loony people -as I called them-, Rose had become a fashion model -obviously-, Emmett became a Police officer, Carlisle and Esme, same things architect and doctor, and me, I became a doctor as well, a neurologist to be exact. We all gave up on school for a while.
Alice sighed, "It went great as always, the kids a fantastic, there is a boy named Edward there also," She laughed, "He reminds me of you, stubborn."
"I have a client like that too, I cant get through to him either." Jasper said taking Alice on his lap.
"So what are you doing out here?" Alice said touching my arm.
"The same thing that I come out to do everyday." I said turning to look at them.
Jasper sighed, "Bella?" I nodded, " should try again Edward, don't give up."
I chuckled darkly, "Its been thirteen years, I don't think I could go back now," I put my head in my hands.
"Yes you can Edward, you can still go, she has had time to think about that day," Alice stood up and went into the house.
"She might have a family and forgotten me already." I said, it hurt me to think that way but Bella would have had a family by now.
"No...she cant forget you Edward, and what if she doesn't have a family, she might be waiting for you. You should go so you can stop feeling like this everyday...its not good for you." Jasper rose, "Bye... don't go out there for too long we need you also." He chuckled and disappeared through the doors.
I sighed, they are right. I started running, I could take the first plane to Forks, I had enough money for a last minute ticket.
Bella's POV
"Anthony please don't hit your sister." I yelled after Anthony who was chasing his five year old sister around with the mop, "stop teasing your little sister, you are eight years old not three OK?"
Anthony nodded and ran up to his room.
"Alice, can you put your dollies away please, I almost tripped on one," Alice stood from the floor and carried her dolls to the toy chest. "Thank you."
A car pulled up into the driveway, "Finally you came on your lunch brake." I said kissing my husband.
"I know sorry Hun, but you know how it is in the office, your dad doesn't give me a break." He came in and took the bullets out of his gun and hung it just like Charlie use to do.
"Sit down at the table I made lunch."
"Daddy!" Anthony and Alice came running to hug their father.
"Hey!" He kissed them both on the foreheads and carried them to the table.
I walked over to the sink, washed my hands and set the table, we all sat and talked about our day, then my husband had to leave for work again and promised to be on time for dinner.
Edward's POV
I saw Bella through the window, she was washing the dishes after her husband left, I scowled I knew it was a mistake coming here. Especially now that she had a husband, a husband who loves her and gave her something I could never, children, a family. Her husband Jacob Black gave her that ...not me.

chapter 4
3 days later

bellas POV
"Tada!" Alice said when she came out of her room in her pink dress.
"Oh!" I clapped my hands to my face, "You look very pretty Alice. Happy Birthday sweetie." I carried her to my room and placed her on the chair, "Now I have to do your hair." I grabbed a comb from the drawer, Alice made a face. I knew she didn't like getting her hair done.
Anthony came grumbling into the room, he wore his old ripped jeans and his dirty red T-shirt.
I sighed, "Anthony didn't I tell you to change, the party for your little sister starts in half an hour. Please go get ready quick." He looked at his clothes he was wearing and scowled, "Anthony please, those are dirty. There are new ones on the bed."
He beamed when he heard 'new clothes' and ran his way to the bathroom. He was pretty quick for an eight year old but of course his father was a werewolf.
Ten minutes later Anthony came hopping into the room with his new clothes, "There mommy?" He said still beaming. "I like it, TAHNK YOU!" He half screamed.
I smiled, "You are very welcome my darling," I got Alice down from the chair, "There for you too. Now don't get dirty OK."
She and Anthony ran down the stairs happily.
I sighed and fell back to the bed. Minutes later Jacob walked in beaming through the door, "Tired already?"
"Its not easy getting two little kids changed you know." I said sitting up and kissing Jake.
The doorbell rang and I went downstairs to open the door, Charlie and a few other guests like Quill and his wife Beatriz, Angela and Ben with their daughter Robin, Jessica with Ronald and their son Chris, Mike and Hillary with their twins Becky and Brian, they all came in carrying presents for Alice.
"Hey everyone!" I said greeting everyone as they walked into the door.
"Hey Bella," Angela said holding Robin by the arm.
"Where is the birthday girl?" Mike asked holding his giant box of a present looking around for Alice.
"Here I am!" Chimed in Alice. Hugging everyone. "What did you get me?" She asked happily.
"You will have to wait and see." Mike said placing the present on the table. Alice frowned, Mike laughed, "Be patient," He said and made his way out to the backyard smelling the barbecue.
"The party is out here, Jake is cooking some ribs right now." I said and sank into the chairs.

edward POV
Everyone left around ten. Bella's child, Alice, I chuckled at the name, had fallen asleep in Bella lap. Jacob took Alice up the stairs and tucked her in her bed.
I had bought Alice a little stuffed animal earlier in the day, when I saw that it was her birthday, and I decided I would sneak it into her room when everyone was asleep.
"Good night." I heard Bella's smooth tranquil voice murmur to her child.
I heard the door close, "Good night." I heard him whisper to their son, Anthony.
"Good night Anthony," Bella murmured like before.
Another door closed. I sighed, feeling annoyed with myself.
"I'll go clean up downstairs, I'm not tired anymore, I'll see you in the morning." Bella said to him.
"I'll help you." He said.
Bella chuckled, "No go to sleep."
"OK," He said, What a great day today. I heard him think, I scoffed, it wasn't a great day for me.
I couldn't pronounce his name in my thoughts, that would just hurt me to think that a werewolf has my Bella. My enemy.
Seconds later Bella walked out of the house and sat on the plastic chairs, and stared at the sky. For a long while I stared at her, she didn't look different, she looked older and more mature, with her curves in the right places. Her big brown eyes that I used to melt in gazing at the moon, her dark brown hair long down to her back, her full lips in a smile.
I sighed, all I could do was watch her from the trees, just like I had done for three days, I went once in a while to the motel I was staying in, but just to shower and change or when Bella was out.
I heard Bella sigh, then murmur to my surprise, "Edward."
I jumped stunned that she was thinking of me. But why would she? She hated me the first last time she saw me...maybe coming here wasn't a mistake.
I waited a while longer and Bella sighed one more time, "Edward...why?"
Why what?
I crouched down, as I did a twig snapped, and Bella jumped, "Shoot." I muttered to myself.
"Who's there," Bella whispered, getting up, "Show yourself..or I will shoot." She did have a gun, I chuckled as if a silly bullet would hurt a vampire.
I grumbled, should I? Or should I just stay hidden? But then Bella will call Jacob and that will be worse he would kill me.
I sighed and stepped out into the moons light.
Bella gasped, "Edward."

chapter 5

I couldn't believe who was standing before my eyes, thirteen years ago I left him, and now he comes back. I didn't feel the rage I felt that night at prom I felt shock, maybe the rage will kick in later, I told myself. I still loved Edward but I knew that he couldn't love me back, but I asked myself the same question like that night, why is he here?
Edward stood three feet in front of me, I was still sitting on the chair, gaping in shock.
"Hello Bella." He said quietly.
I stuttered, "H-hello Edward." I glanced into the kitchen, Jacob hadn't come out, "What are you doing here?"
He stepped back, "Don't yell at me again please," I shook my head, he sighed, "I came to check how you were doing...seems like you are doing fine." He hung his head, "I better go." He started to walk away.
My heart sank as I saw Edward leave, "Edward..." He turned slowly, "I'm sorry," He looked at my in surprise, "About that night in prom," I continued.
"I deserved it." He said walking back.
"I was pretty angry." I said looking into his eyes.
"You aren't angry now?" He asked.
I shook my head again, "Not right now, but maybe later." He smiled, "I asked you not to come back." His smile turned to a frown, "but here you are in front of my eyes again," I could feel the tears, I could feel the rage creeping up to constrict my throat, "Y-you better" I stood up and headed towards the door.
"Bella..." I stopped my hand on the handle not looking back as the tears swepped my face, "why did you...marry...Jacob?"
I felt the anger rise to my eyes, "Why do you care?" I turned back to him, "Why do you care about anything that has happened to me?"
His face softened, "Because, I love you."
I scowled, "Get out, please, I cant talk right now."
He nodded and disappeared into the forest.
I fell to the ground crying, not me...not again. I thought to myself, Stupid stupid stupid.
I got up slowly and cleaned myself up, I wiped my tears and headed upstairs, Jacob wasn't asleep yet he was reading a book.
He saw my face, "What's wrong?" He said jumping to his feet.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"Where you crying?" He asked wiping a tear out of my eyes.
"Oh that," I said cheerfully, "No that was because of the smoke in the grill, it still had some." I lied.
Jacob laughed.
I headed towards the bed, "Good night." I said getting into the bed.
"'night." He said heading back to his book.
I closed my eyes and dreamed of Edward that night, I was in my room looking out the window, Edward came bounding in through it. I hugged him tightly, he lay me on to the bed, I could feel every inch of his stone body, he kissed me gently down my neck, I closed my eyes kissing Edward, then his body became very hot, i opened my eyes to find Jacob in Edward's place.
I woke up startled, Jacob had gone to work. I saw a present at the foot of my bed, I reached out to open it, I took the lid off and found a CD. I gasped when I saw what CD it was. The CD that Edward had made me for my eighteenth birthday.
My hands shook, but I wanted to listen to it, I placed the CD into the stereo and my lullaby filled the room. I heard a low chuckled and gasped as Edward was in the corner of the room, with his arms crossed, his eyes coal black, with a dark smile on his face. I screamed as he pounced on me.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:51 pm

chapter 6

Bella's POV
I screamed and tossed I could feel Edward's body on mine, "Mommy!" I heard Anthony scream by me, he shook me and I opened my eyes. I was dreaming.
I gasped for air, tears streaming down my face, I looked around Jacob had left for work already.
"Mommy, are you OK?" Anthony asked worried getting into bed with me.
"I-I'm fine sweetheart," I said hugging him, still breathless. Alice came bounding in and jumped on bed with me. My hands were shaking.
"Mommy I'm hungry can you make pancakes?" She asked holding the maple syrup bottle in her hands.
I laughed my voice trembling but went downstairs holding Alice by the hand, I stopped short as I saw the whole house and the backyard had been cleaned, a single rose was on the kitchen counter with a note written on it. I love you, you cant make me go away, forgive me. I took the rose and smelled the aroma of it, I closed my eyes, I had been hard on Edward.
I put the rose in a vase, hiding the note in my pocket, and made the pancakes, we had all finished eating when I heard a knock at the door, "I'll get it," Anthony and Alice said together running towards the door.
"Hi. Is you mother home?" I heard a familiar voice say from the door. I rolled my eyes, this time I didn't feel angry I was actually pretty excited that Edward was here even though I had that terrible dream, I was exited but worried, the cup was shaking in my hand as I pulled it up to my mouth to drink some juice out of it.
"Yeah she's in the kitchen I'll go call her," Alice said skipping towards me and whispering, "Mommy there is a boy at the door looking for you...he cute" I laughed I knew Edward could hear her.
"Really," I said, walking towards the door, "Hello ..." My voice was trembling but I felt no urge to yell at Edward nor kick him out of my house.
"Edward," He responded smiling.
"Hey that's my middle name," Anthony said to Edward. I blushed as Edward caught my eyes with a raised eyebrow.
"Really," Edward said with a questionable expression, "that's nice, ugh...I come here from my school to talk about some merchandise that we are selling." He said still smiling. His golden eyes burned into mine, I almost believed his lie.
"Come in then, Anthony, Alice go upstairs and take a bath OK, I'll be right up." I said, they both ran up the stairs into their own bathrooms.
I gestured Edward to the sofa," So what are you selling?" I asked, smiling. My body shaking less now that the kids had gone upstairs.
He scoffed, "Don't kick me out again I want to talk," He said, I nodded being honest. I sat down on the sofa, Edward sat on the one across.
He looked over to the corner where I put his rose, he smiled, "Thank you, for not leaving" I said blushing, "I know I was rude but now I will be acting like an adult." I said sitting up straight.
He sighed, "I wouldn't leave you again," He said looking at the floor.
"I wouldn't know that." I said thinking back to the day at the forest when he left me.
He scoffed lightly, "Let me show you...I know you have someone else but I want to prove to you that I would never hurt you again. I don't want you to love me, you have a husband and two wonderful children, but I just don't want you to hate me anymore, please Bella, give me this one chance." He looked into my eyes for a couple of seconds, his eyes growing softer by the second.
"Edward..." I began but then trailed off when his expression turned to sadness.
"Bella, I do love you. Please let me show you that you can trust me again....even if you can never love me." He said looking down again.
He lifted his gaze to meet my eyes once more, I couldn't look away, the face that I had longed to see for thirteen years was finally in front of me, it wasn't a mirage. He said he loved me, but I wasn't sure if it was true, I once believed that lie, and then he hurt me, I felt the tears go up to my eyes, I wiped them off. His face softened deeper, I had loved him, I will always love him but how can I trust him again. The only way was o give him this chance.
I smiled finally releasing his eyes, "OK." I took his hand in mine, and placed a note I had written for him while I was eating in his hands, "Read it later." He smiled surprised.
I walked to the kitchen and began cleaning up, he followed me.
"So Anthony Edward, and Alice..." He said smiling.
I rolled my eyes feeling my blood pump to my cheeks.
Edward's POV
Bella flushed when I mentioned about her children's name, "Yeah I named Anthony after you." She said beaming.
She stayed quiet so I helped her clean up,I smelled a very alluring smell but I ignored it, then she sat down on the kitchen counter looking at me, I put the glass cleaner away. I was still thinking about her child's name, he was named after me, I smiled lightly.
"What did Jacob say when he saw Anthony was named after me." I began, the silence was making it very awkward.
Bella laughed, "Jacob didn't really look at the middle name, not that hes not a good father, but he just was so happy I guess he didn't look thoroughly when Anthony was born, and I don't think he knows now." She looked at the floor, "He doesn't know your middle name so it wasn't a problem."
I scoffed, "What about Alice?"
Bella sighed, "Well he wasn't happy with it of course, Alice being a vampire, but he got over because he knew how much I love Alice."
It bothered me that Bella had to reverse my name so Jacob wouldn't get mad, I could feel my eyes getting dark, I shut them and thought of something else.
"Nice house," I noted looking around, there was a lot of windows and glass, the living room and the dining room were separated by a foggy-like glass, this house was much bigger.
Bella smiled, "Yeah, Jacob and some of his friends down at La Push helped us build it after Jacob proposed to me." Bella sighed again. "I wanted it to resemble your old house."
i looked around the kitchen in awe that it took in our old house so well, "No wonder I thought something looked familiar." She smiled, I wanted to ask her a question that had gnawed on me ever since I began to talk to her, "When did you get married?" I asked I could feel the bulge in my throat as I spoke.
Bella cleared her throat,"Um...Jacob proposed to me when I was 21, we got married a year later,two years later came Anthony, then another two years came Alice." She said this looking at her hand.
"So you're 32?" I asked mockingly.
Bella blushed, "Yes," She looked at her hand again, "Ouch," She muttered.
I hurried to her side to check what was wrong, she had a huge cut coming from the lower part of her thumb across her hand. "Let me treat that." I said holding her hand in mine.
"No," she pulled her hand back. "It's OK, its just a knife cut." She bit her lip, I knew she didn't want any contact with me, that's why she pulled back.
I could smell the blood that came out of the cut, the perfume of her blood filled the room, I groaned and got the band aid and alcohol pads I saw earlier and worked immediately on her hands. She didn't pull back this time but I could feel her eyes on me the whole time.
When I was done I pulled my head up to look at her face, to my surprise she stared directly to my eyes, I stared breathless at her face, she slowly closed her eyes and leaned it to press her lips on mine.
When our lips met the whole world spinned around me, I could feel her lips quivering on mine, he hand still in mine. She gasped for air as she kissed me, her hands slowly moved to my shoulders then she pulled me closer to her making her chest press against mine then abruptly I pulled back ashamed at what I had done.
"Bella I-" I started apologizing but Bella held a finger up and stopped me short.
She looked into my eyes, "Edward," she began, "I should apologize," She looked at her hand, "I mean I have a husband and kids and I shouldn't be doing this," She looked at into my eyes again, her face softened, "But I wanted to."She finished.
I couldn't believe what i had just heard, the world felt light, I felt better than I had felt in a long time, we stared at each other for a long while.
"Mommy, I'm done," called Alice from up the stairs, I heard her walk to a room and close the door.
Bella then took her eyes off mine, "I'm coming!" She yelled up the stairs. She walked to the stairs and walked up but before that she looked back at me smiled and mouthed out Bye.
I made my way outside, feeling the happiest I ever felt I ran my way home.

chapter 7

I know everyone is happy that Bella kissed edward but hey Bella is married and come on poor Jacob has been nothin but nice to her =] Bella's thoughts on the kiss is shown in this chapter and her loyalty to Jacob...ENJOY!
I picked out Alice's clothes as fast as I could, I wanted to get away from everything so I could think things over. But my cellphone rang so I went and picked it up, "Hello?" I asked, "Hey Bells, I'm calling because I cant make it home today for lunch. There has been this break in at the bank at Port Angeles and they sent me down there, I'll be home for dinner though...OK?" Jacob's voice said through the phone, "OK, I'll make dinner then...I'll see you later then." I sad biting my lip, "Yeah, I love you, bye." He hung up the phone and I put my cell phone in my back pocket.
I sighed and sunk into my bed, I stared at the ceiling hearing the rain pour to the cement, I sighed and turned to my side looking out the window.
I just kissed Edward, out of a random moment, his breath was up on mine, his golden eyes on mine, his flawless facial features inches from mine, his lips so close. I just reached in and kissed him. His cold lips met with mine and the same electric shock that passed through me when I was seventeen passed through me, making me kiss him harder. I didn't want to let go, I had been waiting for him, for a long time. He hadn't pulled back when I kissed him, he pulled back about twenty seconds later.
His icy breath was on mine when he pulled back, I wanted him to kiss me again but my daughter called me and I was forced to leave him.
I touched my lips thinking what had happened ten minutes earlier, his lips were better than I remembered. I slid my fingers to my throat, my pulse was quickening. I put my hands on my hair, I touched his soft hair, his bronze tussled hair was in my hands.
Then I was feeling ashamed of myself. I shouldn't have done that to Edward, I love him, but I have to stay faithful to Jacob, he has helped me out when I needed help. He loved me everyday even if I was in my depression mode, he went to the same college as I so he could protect me, he asked me to marry him in front of my parents, and he gave me a wonderful life, and two great kids. I couldn't be doing this to him.
I made a promise at the altar that I would be faithful to him, and now I do this...
I layed in bed for a few hours just thinking, it was dark out and I jumped up knowing Jacob will be here soon. I hurried down to the kitchen to make dinner. I grabbed a knife and some chicken breasts that were in the fridge. As I was grabbing the knife a white long hand flashed before me, I jumped, stunned.
Edward chuckled by me, "I'm not letting you use this knife anymore, well not anytime soon." He said slicing the vegetables with amazing speed.
I blushed, "I can handle it, I'm not five." I said going for the knife in his hands.
He pulled it back, "No, I'll help you." He said with his crooked smile that he knew I loved.
I sighed, "What about when Jacob gets home? He'll smell you," I said, and the thought of it made me more nervous than ever.
Edward noticed my expression and sighed, "I'm sorry if what..we did today upset you, I am really. I didn't want to get in between you and Jacob. I'm sorry.." He said taking my hands in his and giving them a soft kiss.
He let go of them and I let my hands drop to the side, I shook my head, "No, Edward it was my fault, I got out of control to be doing that," I smiled at his and gave him a small slap on the arm, "And you shouldn't have been so tempting." I said beaming, I could feel my cheeks turning red.
Edward smiled, the smile reached his eyes, "So I still dazzle you?" He asked, and I immediately regretted saying anything.
My face must have been tomato red because Edward laughed, I just nodded looking away from him.
"Good." He said and returned with helping me cook.
We were both finished in no time. Edward left immediately after he helped me, and I went up to take a quick shower.
I let the hot water fall on me, the steam of it fogging my thoughts. I sighed when the hot water ran out and I was forced to get out. I put the towel around my body and combed my hair ad put it in a ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom towards my room when I heard a low whistle coming from the foot of the stairs.
I looked down to see Jacob gaping at me, I flushed and ran to my room, "Jacob!" I exclaimed.
He quickly caught up to me before I shut the door, "What?" He asked taking my face in his hands.
"I'm in a towel." I said pointing at the pink wet towel rapped around me, Jacob growled a low growl raising up his eyebrows, I flushed again, "Let me get dressed." I said trying not to laugh.
"Aw come on why?" He asked like a little kid. "I like this sight of you."
I slapped him on his arm, I sighed impatiently, I loved it when Jacob turned luvy duvy on me but right now he was acting like a maniac, "Jacob out!" I exclaimed.
He stopped, his face fell to a frown but then immediately went back to a smile, "Oh," he said getting closer to me, "playing hard to get?" He said taking another step towards me.
I rolled my eyes, "You already got me..." I reminded him.
He beamed and bent down to kiss me.
"Whats wrong with you, you are acting really strange." I said clinging on to his neck, with another kiss.
He chuckled, "I got promoted!" He said.
I shrieked, "Really?" I said giving him a great smooch, "That's great!"
He laughed and ran his fingers down my back, "OK lets eat!"
I chuckled and dressed rapidly to help Jacob celebrate. I got out the apple cider that was in the fridge that Mike had brought for Alice's birthday party and did a toast.
I finished eating and cleaned the room. We planned to go to First Beach tomorrow so I had to leave this house spotless for tomorrow.
I fell asleep on the couch.
In the morning I woke up to find Jacob had gone out for work, he left a note saying another emergency but he would be home at 1pm. I sighed and sunk into the chair again.
I screamed when I found myself land on Edward's lap.
"Edward...what are you doing here?" I said yawning.
He smiled, "Just wanted to say good morning and drop this off." He handed me a small pink present with a darker pink bow, on the card it said To:Alice, from: A friend.
I smiled, "Thank you, I'm sure shell love it as soon as she opens it."
His teeth gleamed in the surprising sunshine of a Forks day, I couldn't help but stare, "Oh but don't worry I got something for you too." He said and took out a red box, it was rectangular shaped. "Open it." He said in his smooth voice that made me melt.
I opened it carefully and saw inside of it a gold necklace with a heart. I gasped, "Edward I cant accept this." I said gaping at his present. I turned to look at him but he had left and I was left sitting alone on the couch.
I smiled to myself and put the necklace on, Hope Jacob doesn't notice.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:53 pm

chapter 8

"I'm home!" Jacob called at the door. He shut the door, the sun was bright for Forks today so we were ready to go to the beach.
"We're in here." I called Jacob over to the living room where Anthony, Alice, and I were watching Disney Channel. The kids were watching old reruns from Hannah Montanna.
"Hey!" Jacob exclaimed as he walked in the room.
I had taken the necklace that Edward gave me off before Jacob came home, I didn't think it was appropriate to be wearing it. I loved Edward but I was married, I found a note on the couch saying,
"I had bought this for you thirteen years ago, but since I left I never had a chance to give it to you. Please accept it now, don't take it as me trying to get you back, I'm not planning on that to happen. I'm sorry for what happened the other day.
I was disappointed in myself for what I did in the kitchen. I shouldn't of kissed him. But when I was around Edward I felt like a teen again, an 18 year old, being with him. He took the young out of me and brought it to the surface, then when he was gone, I realized that I was 32 and married and with two children. I wouldn't want to be a cheater with Jacob but Edward dazzles me too much that I am willing to do it then I am left with the pain that I am not being a faithful wife.
I was going to try to stay away from Edward, or at least not get too close to him for all those emotions to come out again.
Alice and Anthony pounced on him. "Daddy lets go please." Alice said tugging on Jacob's hand. She had her bathing suit and sandals ready to go, and Anthony had his surf pants and Spider Man shirt on.
Jacob sighed, "I'm just really tired," He walked to the couch where I was sitting on and slumped down acting tired, "Cant we go later?" H e pretended to go to sleep on my shoulder. I laughed as the children groaned.
"Daddy no!" Anthony said dropping his beach bag down to the floor, "We want to leave now."
Jacob raised his head, "OK," he whispered as he reached up to my face to kiss me.
"Ew!" Anthony exclaimed. Covering his face with his small hands.
"Gross!" Alice said running out of the room giggling.
I laughed while I was kissing Jacob. He pulled back laughing also. "OK let me go change." He said walking up the stairs.
I packed the lunches I had made, I had to make a lot since all the werewolves down at La Push were going to be there. Jacob came walking down the steps a few minutes later carrying a towel on his shoulder. "Lets go!"
The kids were out the door before he finished his sentence, they ran into Jake's car chanting happily.
Jacob helped me with the bags and gave me a small kiss and we exited the house.
We drove down to First Beach, we noticed Sam and his wife and kids were there as well as Quill and his wife.
"Hey guys!" Sam greeted us, his kids running up to Alice and Anthony.
"Hey!" Jacob said clapping hands with Sam.
"Bella." Sam nodded towards me, "Hope you brought enough food." He said with a smile.
I laughed, "I hope so too." I said mockingly.
"Bella, come here I set the table here," Emily said coming up to me and helping me with the food.
I followed her and dropped the food on the picnic table.
"Mommy Anthony said if we could go up to a hike by those logs over there." Dylan said to Emily.
Emily nodded and he and Anthony raced towards the logs. Alice and Jackie stayed sitting on the sand making sand castles.
"Bella you didn't have to go through so much trouble making this much food." Emily said.
"Sure she did, we eat a lot, besides Jared, Embry, Billy, Charlie, Paul, and their families still have to come." Quill said dropping the ribs that they were going to grill down.
"Yup. I don't think it will be enough." Jacob said smiling, "I still have to cook these up."
I smiled, I loved it when the whole family got together for food, it was very entertaining having them around. Emily, Vanessa, Beatriz, and Lilly and I chatted together while the husbands cooked and laughed together, and the kids played together.
A couple of minutes later Embry showed up with Vanessa and their five year old Tyler.
"Mommy come swim with us!" Alice said jumping into the water with Jackie.
"I'll go in right now!" I said. "It's cold in the water," I muttered to Emily.
She laughed, "Yeah but it feels good afterward. Ill go in also. Come on." She said getting up. Vanessa followed us into the water, letting her son wander off with Anthony.
Alice splashed me some water, it wasn't that cold but enough to made me yell in protest, I took off my shirt so it could just be my bikini top Emily did the same, Vanessa turned back to stay on the sand with watching the kids, she was laughing as we ran through the water.
A couple of minutes after that Jared and Paul came running breathless into the picnic.
"Whoa whats up?" Jacob asked surprised at both of them.
"There-there are vampires here." Jared said.
I froze, Edward, I thought worried. Edward was here, they could smell him, but how? Jacob couldn't sense him back at home.
"What?" Quill snapped.
"You heard me, there are vampires back at Forks." Jared said looking at me.
"Where?" Embry asked dropping down the ribs.
"Down at the old...Cullen house." Jared said still keeping his eyes on me.
I gasped and fell tot he floor, Edward.
They all stared at me, Jacob socked Jared on the arm, "Don't say that name man, you know they hurt her. It still pains her." He said in a firm whisper but I could hear it.
"Sorry," Jared muttered.
"How do you know?" Jacob asked crushing the salad tongs in his hands. "Where did you see them?" He snapped.
Emily helped me up, Alice and Anthony stopped playing and ran towards me. I had to warn Edward, I didn't know how but I couldn't let the werewolves track them down and kill him. "I'm OK, I just slipped," I said pointing at the mossy rock.
They nodded believing the lie I made up.
I ran up to Jacob, "Vampires here, how?" I tried to act surprised.
"We saw one only, it was hunting out in the forest," Jacob tensed beside me, he grabbed hold of my waist, "No not humans Jake, animals, a deer I'm pretty sure."
"Did it see you, did you get a good view of it?" Jacob asked keeping his arm around my waist.
"Uh..." Paul started, "Not really it heard us so it disappeared, but I do know it was a male."
"Well we got to go find him, now!" Jacob said releasing my waist, "We cant let a creature in now after 13 years of pureness!" Jacob's hand was beginning to shake, "I wont let it ruin everything that we have built here." Jacob went up to the car to get some stuff, nobody followed him except for me.
"Jacob no please." I pleaded in a whisper, "don't go." I held his hand.
He looked at me, his eyes grew soft, and a smile rose from his lips, he touched my face, "Don't worry Bella, sweetie, Ill be fine." He said tracing my lips, he leaned down to give me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him pressing my lips against his. I pulled back and stared into his eyes, "I love you, nothing will happen to me, only that leech." He left me alone in the parking lot.
That's what I'm afraid of.

chapter 9

Bella's POV
I stayed in First Beach for another two hours or so with the rest of the mothers. I decided I wanted to leave my nerves were killing me, Emily noticed I look pale so she suggested I should go home, she thought the shock of Jacob going to fight got to me, I was worried for the vampire not the wolf. I thought to myself.
My phone rang when I was about to say goodbye tot he moms, "Jacob?" I asked, "Hey Bells, don't go home OK, stay in Emily's house for today, I don't want you going by yourself back to the house. I'll be there in a few hours, that leech seems to be getting away. I love you bye," He hung up before I could say another word, I shut my cell phone and put it in the duffel bag, good thing we brought extra clothes.
"Emily, Jacobs says for me and the kids to come stay at your house tonight. I hope you don't mind." I said putting the duffel bag on my shoulder.
Emily smiled, "Of course you are more than welcome at my house. The kids were begging for a sleepover anyway. Lets go." We got up to the car and we drove up to Emily's house.
Emily showed me to the room we were staying in, I set my bag down on the floor and I sat down on the bed looking out into the rain pour. I sighed, I was worried for Edward, I didn't want anything to happen to him. The reason why he was in mortal danger now was because of me, he came down here to see me and now because of me six werewolves are after him.
I could feel the tears coming from my eyes and drop to my palm. I sniffled, maybe I shouldn't of ever let Edward inside my house, not after all these years.
Emily came in seconds after, "Here is some tea Bella." She said handing me a teacup with some delicious smelling tea inside, she took in my expression, "Don't worry Bella, Jacob and the boys will be fine."
She thought I was worried for the wolves, well I was, but not as nearly as for Edward, there were six wolves and only one Edward. Edward was strong but not that strong, more tears dropped out of my eyes as an image of Edward against the werewolves passed through my mind.
"I-I know E-Emily, they will be fine but...there hasn't been a vampire here since Victoria, and I know she got killed, but nearly she killed Jacob also. I guess I'm just worried that this vampire might take him away from me." It wasn't a lie, I was worried that Edward might take down one of the wolves and that one would be Jacob.
"They'll be back soon, the boys know what they are doing," Emily kissed my cheek and fled out the door.
I returned to look out the window, the rain pored harder and the wind blew stronger.

Edward's POV
I sat in a dirty wet cave, hiding away from the six wolves that were in my tail, I couldn't believe they found me. The thunder sounded off near Forks, I sighed. I wanted to call Bella but that would be a mistake to do so I kept my phone in my pocket.
A cricket chirped inside the cave, I scowled, How long am I supposed to stay in here? I thought, I couldn't keep hiding from them like a coward, but I was out numbered. If only my family was here, but that would just bring more trouble to here, I wouldn't want that.
I took out my phone, then immediately put it back in my pocket. I sighed, my pants were wet and my shirt and jacket were torn. I couldn't keep running from them but I had no choice, I had no hope in me.
Then I remembered, the note Bella had left me was still in my jacket pocket. I reached in and took out the paper, it wasn't wet, the jacket protected it. I noticed it was in pink paper. I smiled.
I opened it,
"Edward, I know you say I cant make you go away, the truth is I really cant make you go away. I would never want you to go away. But you have to understand you have been out of my life for thirteen years, I got married, I have kids now Edward. You cant expect things to go back to how they were thirteen years ago. I just want us to stay friends, nothing more.
I'll always love you, no matter what,
I smiled to myself, she put she loved me no matter what. I folded the note back in my jacket. I loved her but I should not get into her life now, she has Jacob, I will respect that, no matter how much it hurt me.
I heard low growls coming from the outside, I smelled the air, it was them. I swiftly got up, but I didn't make noise and got in deeper into the cave, there was an opening at the end of the cave, it was small so I had to crawl my way out.
I glanced around and gasped as dark figure spotted me and came running towards me, growling loudly, its dark eyes on me.
I knew there was no way I could escape from it, I hadn't crawled all the way out of the whole and it was running at top speed.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:55 pm

chapter 10

bellas POV

I sighed and walked to the porch where Emily was playing with her son and Anthony, Alice was asleep on the couch, I smiled when Anthony came running towards me, I had to be brave for my children, I didnt want to show my anguish in front of them. "Mommy, where you crying?" Anthony asked, and I knew immediately that my charade of braveness was over, nothing escaped my son, he was as jumpy and keen as his father.
I brushed the tear off with my hand, holding Anthony in the other, "No,I'm fine, I just dont feel well." I said, he didnt know his father was a werewolf hunting a vampire, I didnt want to worry him, the time for him to find out about werewolves was when he was suppose to become one. Jacob says at age 16 or around there Anthony will start to get the signs of being a werewolf.
He frowned slightly and kissed my cheek, "I don't want you to be sick," He said putting his hand on my forehead, "You're not hot, so maybe you will be better tomorow." He said smiling once again.
I laughed, "Ok Dr.Anthony Black." I said tickling him.
He laughed and went back to play trucks with Dylan.
Emily got up and returned to the living room, watching me carefully. After a moment of looking at my face she took a breath, "Bella, you're not worried about the...vampire...are you?" She asked looking skeptical.
My heart started beating faster, I felt my face grow hot, I shook my head after a moment, "N-no, w-hy w-would you say th-that?" I asked my voice shaky, I scowled at myself, I was never good at lying to Emily.
She kept looking at me, "Well, you were very fond of know who...and when Jared said their name, you seemed uneasy." I didnt answer, she was getting to the right conclusions, she looked at me but when she saw I wouldnt answer she continued her theory, "Is it him that's here, Bella?" She asked, my heart leaped, Emily was smart.
I looked at her, I shivered when I saw her scarred side of her face, if Jacob found out about Edward being here and seeing me he would do what Sam did to Emily to me. I shook me head trying to clear my thoughts.
"It is him, isnt it?" I didnt answer, she didnt seem annoyed her voice was still calm, "Bella I can see it in yor eyes, your expression." She added looking straight to my face.
Alice groaned and streched out in the couch, she looked up, "Mommy whats to eat?" She asked.
I looked away from Emily, "I'm not sure Alice..." I said.
"There's hot soup in the kitchen." Emily said beggining to walk to the kitchen.
I sighed softly, happy to get away from Emily's interrogations, I knew she would bring up the conversation later on the day when she could get the chance.
I walked to the couch and slumped down in it, seconds later Anthony came running in, he sat on my lap, his dark messy hair dripping with water. "Wanna play mommy?" He asked holding up a game of Candy Land.
I giggled, "Maybe later." I said, he nodded and rested his head on my shoulder.
His big chocolaty eyes focused on my face, "Later?" He groaned, I nodded and he pouted but closed his eyes. He looked so much like Jacob, I rested my head on his and also closed my eyes.
I dozed off, I was akoken by Alice sitting on my lap, I opened my eyes, she was yawning, I looked outside, it was twilight, and Jacob still wasnt back and I was getting worried.
Alice's heart shaped face and dark eyes were looking at Anthony, I looked down and laughed, he had his mouth open and his head was dangling off the sofa. He snorted and awoke startled. Alice laughed.
"Mommy, where's daddy?" Alice asked, her voice full of worry.
I smiled and stroked her cheek, "He'll be here soon, he just needed to do some things with uncle Sam." I said. She nodded and skipped to the TV where Dylan and Anthony now sat.
At that moment the door swung open and Jacob stood soaked and dirty along with Sam. I gasped and raced to the door, "Jacob, what happened?" I asked. He walked into the room and sunk into the chair where I had nearly tripped on.
"Nothing, we couldnt find him. I thought we had him cornered by a cave but the leech managed to escape through the back of the cave." Jacob snarled.
"Did you get a good view of him?" Emily asked, I could feel her gaze on me.
Sam answered, "Yes, I got a short glimpse." Sam said, his eyes bouring into mine, I pleaded with my eyes that he would say who it was.
"Do you know who it is?" Jacob asked looking angrily at his hands.
To my relief Sam's answer was, "No, I just got him flashing by me."
He looked at me again nodded once and escaped to the kitchen.
"Where do you think he went?" Jacob asked, I wished that they would just let the subject drop.
"I dont know, he didnt look like he was from around here though, he might be halfway up to canada by now." Sam called sounding bored.
"What about the old Cullen house?" Let it drop! I thought to myself as Jacob aske danother question.
"Nah, I dont think so, the vampire was just hunting there, doubt he'll go in the house." Sam answered returning to the living room with three cans of soda. "No one has gone into the house for thriteen years."Sam said, Jacob nodded convinced and taking a soda from Sam.
"But cant we just look around there?" Jacob asked, taking a large gulp of soda.
Sam chuckled, "You are one dertermined werewolf, why should we bother going in there? Trust me, he wont be there." Sam said.
Jacob finally let it drop, I sighed happy and thankful for Sam not ratting out Edward.
"Ok, then I guess we'll go home then." Jacob answered.
I got up but Sam stopped me before I could head towards the door, "Bella can I talk to you, privately?"

chapter 11

My stomach churned I knew Sam was going to talk about Edward, I nodded unable to speak for a second. Jacob said he would wait in the car, Sam steered me towards the porch in the backyard. He gazed at the moon for a second before taking a deep breath.
He looked at me, his eyes as serious as I have ever seen them, "Bella I know who that vampire is." He said still looking at the moon, I guess the moon helped him relax. "I know its Edward." He added, he finally looked at me but I was staring at the floor.
I nodded slowly, "Then why didn't you say something?" I asked looking up.
He hesitated putting a hand on my shoulder, "Because I knew that wouldn't be right for you." He said, a smile creeped up in his face, "he hasn't done anything...yet, so why bother?"
I looked at him, confused.
He chuckled and continued to talk, "I'm not saying I'm thrilled about seeing him here after a decade or so, but I wouldn't want to kill him for hunting an animal." He looked at me, "Has he hurt you in any way?" He asked, I shook my head, "Then no problem."
I still didn't understand why he didn't rat Edward out, I was more confused about it.
"You owe me." He said after a moment.
Then I understood, the only reason why he didn't tell Jacob about Edward was because he wanted something to hold against me, or Edward. I sighed knowing that it was the most that I was going to get and walked out.

I woke up in Jacobs arms, he hadn't gone to work today, it was his day off. He was pretty upset about not catching Edward he kept saying a lot of swear words for any little think he did wrong. I smiled, it was funny seeing Jacob angry.
" cussing in front of the children." I said to him at breakfast.
He chuckled and went to throw away the split in half plate, "There is a new movie out, you want to go see it with the kids?" He asked.
"Of course, but what about, you know the vam-"
"Oh don't worry about that..." He said, I felt the blood in my face drain, did that mean they found Edward?
"Why?" I asked looking away from him, cleaning up the plates and trying to keep my voice even.
"Hmmm?" He asked seeming slightly distracted, "Oh Sam says he'll take care of it, he wants us to spend the weekend together. So I'll help you clean up so we can leave early then we can have dinner out." He said, I could hear the smile in his voice.
My heartbeat returned to its normal pace, "Wow you're on a roll." I said with a hint of sarcasm.
He nodded with a big grin. "I'll do the laundry, clean the kitchen, and wash the dishes." He said taking the plates from me.
I laughed and headed up to clean the rooms.
I was mopping p the living room when Jacob walked in from the laundry room with a furious expression.
"What?" I asked walking up to him, he put his palm up telling me to back away.
The kids were changing into their dress clothes.
"Can I talk to you outside?" He asked, his voice hard and full of anger. I noted his arms shaking.
"Why not in her-"
"OUTSIDE!" He bellowed, I jumped and made my way outside. I had never seen Jacob this angry, it was terrifying, and I knew that whatever he had found out was bad.
Before I could ask what was wrong he asked, "What the hell is this?"
My heart sank, no. I couldn't believe what Jacob was holding in his hands, I thought I threw that away. My breath came stronger as I looked at what Jacob was holding in his hands. I remembered I had put the note in my pants pocket, but I never threw it away, I threw it in the laundry basket. The note that Jacob held was the worst thing that he could find.
The note that Edward gave me along with a rose was hanging from eh tips of Jacob shaking hands.
"W-where did you get that?" I asked, trying to keep my balance.
"WHAT THE BADWORD! IS THIS?" He roared, I knew the reason that he wanted us to go outside was for the kids to not hear our discussion.
"A n-note." I said, my voice shaking. I felt a tear trickle down my face.
"Just a gee, i'm mature. note?" He asked his breathing hard. "'I love you, you cant make me go away, forgive me.'" He read the note. "Who is this from?" He asked.
I couldn't talk, my throat felt tight, I whimpered.
Jacob gasped and then he chuckled an angry way, "Oh this is from you boyfriend isn't it? What was his name? Edward?" He sneered, "Oh-ho ho , now I understand, that stupid vampire that came here is EDWARD!"
I quivered, shaking my head. This wasn't suppose to happen.
"IS IT!?" Jacob asked, his nose flared.
I shook my head, I tripped over the lawn hose and fell to the floor.
Jacob growled and crumpled up the paper and threw it on the grass, "I'm going alone, with the kids, you can stay here and hope that we don't catch your stupid vampire." He said and walked back into the house.
I couldn't breath, I heard the door close, the kids yelled "Bye Mommy!" and left with their father.
I wrapped my arms around my knees, set my head down on them and began to cry. I didn't mean for this to happen. Jacob wasn't suppose to find out this way, or any way.
I cried for a while, then I felt someone carry me up, I thought it was Jacob but when I looked up I found Edward's soft golden eyes looking down on me.
He carried me to the living room, he sat down with me on the couch. I curled up in his lap, sobbing, my tears washing my whole face. Edward stroked my back gently, humming my lullaby.
He was quiet, I guessed he was trying to find words to speak, "Bella, I am so sorry." He said, his voice filled with pain.
I shook my head and looked up at him, I took his face in my hands, "Edward, its not your fault."I said, he shook his head, "You didn't do anything, listen." I said, he was beginning to turn away from me, "I was the stupid one that didn't hide the note."
I let go of his face and my hands slumped to my side, it was all my fault. Jacob was mad at me now, he doesn't think I'm a good wife.
I looked around the room, the white bright room seemed to mock me, I scowled.
"No Bella, I should have never come, never come back after all these years. I just wanted to see you, and Alice persuaded me. I did all of this, I created this conflict with Jacob and you. You were happily married until I entered the picture once again. Maybe I should just go now." He said beginning to get up.
I stopped him, "No, the damage is already done, it wont make a difference if you leave or stay, so just stay in Forks, please."
"But Bella-"
"Edward, please you are so stubborn but for once pay attention to me." He sat back down next to me. "Don't blame yourself. It was me, I let you in my life again, if I didn't then everything would be fine, no damage would be made." I said in a glum voice.
"Just let it drop Edward." I said. He smiled my crooked smile and nodded.
I got up and walked to my room, I sat on the window seal looking down to the pouring rain. Edward followed me and sat in the rocking chair I used for the kids now, silently.
The rain equaled the mood that I was in, gray, teary, cold.
Edward sat silent on the chair, looking at me, his soft eyes full of worry and his expression, apologetically. I shook my head.
I lay on the bed to cry.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:55 pm

chapter 12

Edward sat quietly as I sniffled my way to calmness. I breathed heavily, my body felt weak. The only thing that made me get up in a jolt was the phone ringing down in the kitchen. I ran my way as fast as I could -without tripping- and picked up the phone panting.
"Hello?" I asked, my voice was hopeful. I wanted Jacob to call. He had left about an three hours ago, I needed him to know everything, I hadn't explained everything because I was petrified. But now I needed him to know.
"Hello, is this the Black residence?" A voice asked, I didn't recognized it so my face fell.
"Yes." I said in a glum voice, "how can I help you?"
"This is Dr.Snow at the hospital.You are Isabella Black, correct?"
I jerked my head up with a gasp, "Yes." Edward was down the stapes leaning casually against the wall, his face sad, and his eyes dark. I ignored him, the mention of the hospital made me think terrible thoughts, and they all involved Jacob.
The next words coming from the phone hit me in the pit of my stomach, " Your husband Jacob Black and you children Anthony and Alice Black have gotten into a terrible accident." I froze and dropped the phone to the floor, my legs shook. Edward swiftly picked the phone up and put it on speaker.
I landed gently in his arms. He wrapped his arm around my waist, I breathed hard, clutching onto Edward hand, my nails digging into his arm.
"I am sad to say that they seem in very serious condition, I would say you should come down as soon as you can." The voice of Dr.Snow kept talking but I hardly paid attention. "Good bye Miss Black."
Edward hung up the phone and sat me down gently on the couch. I panted, my eyes burning from the tears.
"Bella?" He asked in a soft voice.
I looked up at him and then looked back down, his eyes were warm and golden but the eyes I needed to see were the dark eyes of Jacob, the big brown eyes of both my children.
"I have to go." I said standing up and letting go of Edward hand around my waist.
"I'll take you." He said.
I shook my head, "No its fine." I went to the table to get the keys but Edward was there before me, dangling the keys from the tip of his hands.
"I'm not letting you go alone like this." He said pointing at my eyes, I blinked rapidly trying to move away all the tears.
I wiped my eyes, "I'm fine, Edward." I said as stern as I could make my voice.
He smiled, amused. "I'm taking you and that's that." He said walking towards the door, opening it for me.
I couldn't argue with Edward, I would'nt win and I wanted to get out of the house quick and be with Jacob. So I played a smile on my face and walked through the opened door.
Edward opened the door of Jacob's rabbit with a grimace -he obviously wasn't used to the ancient rusty-type cars- and closed the door as soon as I got in. He appeared int he drivers side is less than a second later. He turned the key in the ignition and revved out of the drive way.
We were pulling up to the hospital parking lot ten minutes later.
"The car will be here when you come back. I'll see you...some other day." Edward said as I reached over for the door handle.
I turned around. I opened my mouth to protest but Edward shook his head and disappeared out of the car into the pouring rain.
I sat in the car bewildered, I gathered my thoughts and got out of the car and made my way as quickly as I could into the hospital.
There wasn't many people in the waiting room, only about three people; a worried man with a "Its a Boy" balloon, a mother holding her crying child in her arms, with a terrible cough.
I walked up to the window, behind it was a bored looking nurse talking on the phone and skimming through papers. She looked at me, held up one finger signaling me to wait a moment. I tapped my finger nails impatiently, I didn't have time, my husband and children might-
I stopped thinking, my thoughts couldn't trail there. I couldn't be thinking the worst. I had to think that my family was fine, they were just ill.
The nurse put down the phone, "How can I help you?" She asked with a nasal type voice.
"I came to visit someone...'s," I stuttered nervous.
"Jacob, Anthony, and Alice Black." I said biting my lips.
"Yes they are all in the same room." She said handing me a 'visitor' sticker, "Room 62 B." She said.
I went up in the elevator, and followed the sign, '50B-70B' to the left. I followed it and paced quickly through the white halls.
I reached the room and found Jacob awake, the kids -the lady told me- had been given sleeping pills for the pain and were fast asleep.
Jacob scowled when I walked in the room. "Hi." I said in a small voice.
He nodded looking out the window.
"Jacob." I whispered, tears returning to my eyes, I sat down next to him. "Please, I love you, you know that. Edward did come. I wont deny that, he just came to check how I was doing, he wanted to help me, he saw how I had two kids and he wanted to help me, that's all. that note was something he wrote for me, it didn't mean anything, he still loves me, but I love you best. Always, remember that day int he movies thirteen years ago?"
Jacob smiled and nodded, "That's okay, you know. As long as you like me best," he repeated the same words he once said to me in the movies.
I grinned and bent down to his face and kissed him gently on the lips.
"I still don't like it that he's here." He said when we pulled apart.
"I know, and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."
"And I'm sorry for blowing off on you like that back at the house. I was just upset of the vampire that we hadn't caught, and which turned out to be Edward." He said with a sheepish smile. "I don't like him, you know that, it just got me so mad, but I'm over it." He said tracing my lips, his voice weak and trembling.
He had huge cuts around his face, and a gauze in his arm. He had a broken leg, and seemed to have lost blood. The nurse told me, before I entered the room, that Jacob seemed worse then the children. I was worried, she also said that Jacob was in critical condition.
I closed my eyes, the tears dripping. I didn't want to lose Jacob but the way he looked told me he was too weak.
I pressed my lips against his once more and the machine started beeping frantically, Jacob's heartbeat had sped up.
I grabbed his hand tight as he gasped for air.
Don't die, I cant lose you.

chapter 13

I sat in my bed, crying. I couldn't hide my tears any longer. I kept my head in my knees, the tears falling down onto the white covers. I traced my fingers on the soft mattress, running my fingers across, until finally I realised, nobody would ever sleep there again.
My sobs came loud, I couldn't hear the rain pour outside the windows, my breath came in hard gasps;as if I wanted to live.
I threw my head back on the headrest, I looked up into the ceiling. White and bright, it seemed like heaven, but when I dropped my head, all I saw was darkness and rain, I scowled, it mocked me, my life was now cloudy and rainy forever.
"Bella." I heard Edward say, I knew he was going to come sooner or later.
I sniffled and raised my head to meet his gaze. "Hmm." I managed to say.
"I-I'm sorry for this, I-I shouldn't have ever come. Now looked what happened," his voice was smooth and even, his eyes were soft and gentle. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I cant say I know how you feel, because well I don't, but it might have been the way I felt when I left you." He said, his smooth voice serving me as a lullaby.
I shook my head, "Not.Your.Fault." I managed to say without sounding like a tone deaf penguin. It wasn't his fault, it was mine for letting him enter, my fault for leaving the stupid note in my pocket for Jacob to find, and my fault I was an irresponsible adult.
He sat in front of me, he stroked my cheek with his index finger. I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry." He said again.
I managed to regain most of my voice, "I just cant believe he's ...dead." I said, the last word was hard to get through, I choked it out with a loud gasp. "He died in my arms." I sniffled remembering back at the hospital. I shook my head and threw my arms around Edward, "Hes dead, he's dead, I killed him, I am a murderer, I should die, I don't deserve to LIVE!" I choked out. I clutched my chest, feeling into my heart that thumped hard against my chest. Why couldn't it be me in that car crash instead of Jacob.
Edward held on to me tight, I shook feverishly in his arms as I remembered the last moments in the hospital. Jacob's heart beat had sped up and the doctors came hurrying into the room, they took my children out of the room, in case the awoke. I sat there my hands in his left hand, crying into my lap, praying for him not to die. I felt hands push me off his body, I screamed and kicked and thrashed until they let me go, but it was too late, Jacob;s heart let one more pump, enough for me to reach him, cradle him in my arms, and silence forever.
"I loved him," I croaked out.
Edward sighed, I buried my face in his chest. I dint want to get his expensive looking shirt wet with tears,but he didn't seem to mind. His cold body helped my burning eyes.
"Are your children fine?" He asked after a moment of silence; except for my loud sobs and sniffles.
"The doctors say they are very injured, hes not sure if the will, survive." I started crying on the last word. "I need to spend time with hem but the doctor told me to come tomorrow."
"When is Jacob's...funeral?" Edward said, struggling, I knew he didn't want to say the wrong thing and was choosing his words right.
"Three days." I said my voice cracking.
The room span around me, the sinking feeling that my husband for eleven years was dead made me weak and vulnerable. I didn't understand how he could die, I didn't understand why didn't he just heal himself. I remembered his soft smile, his dark eyes burning into mine, his warm 108 degree kisses, his body on mine. I shook my head, knowing that I would never get that back.
I had to ask Edward maybe he had the answer to my question, "Edward..." I said, he looked at me, "I-I don't understand....Jacob is a werewolf...couldn't himself?"
Edward held me on the shoulders looking deep into my eyes, he sighed, trying to find words again, "Bella, I took a look into Jacob's mind, he...I-I don't know how to say this, Bella, but it seemed like he wasnt trying to live anymore. He wanted to be with you but he felt like he was beaten by me again, he didn't feel angry he actually said 'take care of her for me', he knew I would be listening." Edward said tracing the side of my cheek, I leaned into it, tears in my eyes. "I will take care of you, if you let me."
I nodded my head.
I looked up to Edward, but instead of Edward's face I saw Jacob's smiling down at me.
My air got caught in my throat. I couldn't believe that Jacob was here with me. I raised my head to meet his eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned into his face. The kiss lasted a second or so until so cold hard arms pushed me off.
"Bella?" Edward's voice asked through Jacob's body.
I shook my head, "Huh?"
"Bella, no, whats wrong with you?" He asked angrily.
My temper raised for some reason and I yelled at him, "Fine leave me then!"
Edward escaped as soon as I finished my sentence. I gasped, I didnt know what got over me. I punched the mattress before lying down on it, face down.
I was sitting in a long table, along with Jacob, Charlie, Billy, Sam, Emily, Renee, and Phil. We were all chatting happily, Jacob was feeding me like a baby, me blushing of course.
We had been dating for nearly three years and we were happy with the way our lives were going.
I chewed my food still blushing, Jacob beaming. I took the spoon away from him and started feeding myself. He chuckled. Charlie made a toast to Jacob and I, and I wondered why. I looked at Jacob questionably, he held up one finger.
He stood up, holding my hand, I looked up at him, then around the table to see if anyone had a clue what was going on. Charlie was smiling brightly, Renee had a couple tears in her eyes, Phil beamed, Billy wiped his eyes, Sam chuckled holding Emily's hand looking amused, Emily biting her lip. They all knew what was going to happen except me.
I looked back up at Jacob, he hesitated before getting down in one knee, my heart started thumping faster. "Bella, you know I love you more than anything in the world. I want to spend my entire life with you, you are the woman I want to be with. You have made me a happy man, and I hope I made you a happy woman-"
"More than happy." I said tears forming in my eyes.
Jacob beamed, "Would you marry me?" He popped the question and popped up a shiny diamond engagement ring.
My heart thumped in my ears, Renee let out a gasp and started crying on Phil's shoulders, I knew they were happy tears. Charlie clapped his hands together. Billy just kept smiling. Sam winked at me. Emily nodded for me to answer.
Another person sat at the table, I knew it was hallucinations again. Edward sat across me, I gasped, he nodded, "Be happy," he told me. And then disappeared leaving the chair in front of me empty.
I turned back to Jacob, his eyes hoping. I smiled, "Yes." I answered, tears coming out of my eyes.
Jacob let out a gasp of air, relieved and placed the ring in my finger. Then he lifted his head up to mine and kissed me, I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck.
I jerked up, only to find myself alone in the room. I saw my finger, where both of my rings were. The shiny diamonds glittering though there was no sun, no Jacob.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:56 pm

chapter 14

It was dark out and the rain poured harder, the thunder flashed by me, I closed my eyes again, letting tears trickle down my cheeks, the feeling reminded me of when Jacob brushed my cheeks. I rolled to my side hugging myself to to keep my self warm, to make me fall asleep.
"Hey Bells." Jacob said running towards me. "You feeling better?" He asked.
I nodded, "the cold is gone." I said hugging Jacob.
He beamed, "Good." He hesitated a bit, "Ready to go?"
"Yeah." I said getting into his rabbit. We were going to First Beach, to meet up with the rest of the pack and Charlie and Billy to have a barbecue.
We drove up to the parking lot, I was laughing at some stupid joke he told me.
"Hey Jake!" Sam called, "Hey Bells." He said when he noticed me.
"Hi." I said timidly.
Jacob and I walked up to the rest of the pack; Sam, Emily, Jared, Embry, Quil, Paul, Billy, and Charlie where there already.
"Hey vampire girl!" Embry called. I froze, pain rushing through me.
Paul punched Embry on the shoulder. Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist, "You okay?" He asked looking worried by my reaction.
I managed to regain my self, and nodded, "I- yeah I'm fine."
We walked down to the bonfire that Jared was making. "There's ribs ready for ya Jake," Jared called out pointing at the grill where Billy and Charlie were chatting away.
"Thanks!" Jacobs called, "Come on Bells," he said pulling my hand walking toward the grill.
"Hello Bella." Billy greeted me with a smile.
"Hi." I said, Jacob lunged himself at the ribs, he scarfed down about seven before I even sat down with my plate of food. I ate only two ribs, Jacob joked about it.
"Man Jacob, you sure eat." Charlie said noticing Jacob's loud chews. Jacob just smiled hugely, nodding.
He finished about twenty ribs before he belched really loud saying that he was full, he wiped his hands with a few paper towels. Then he got about five cans of soda and chugged them down, I giggled.
He got up taking my hand, Charlie smiled at the scene, I rolled my eyes. "Lets walk a bit yeah?" Jacob asked.
I stood up, "Sure."
We walked to 'our' tree stump. We sat in silence for a while looking out into the beach, the sun was setting, creating a beautiful orange glow on the water. I smelled the fresh salty air looking out into the horizon.
Jacob was hesitating, I could tell, I wanted to ask what it was but I let him do whatever he wanted to do for himself.
When the sun touched the water Jacob turned to me taking my hands, "Bella." I looked at him. "These few months have been great with you." He said, his hands shaking.
"Very great." I said.
He beamed, and continued, "I wanted to ask you something for a while but I don't know what you will say," He looked out into the sun, it was almost halfway down, "You have interested me more than any girl ever." He brushed my hand, he looked directly into my eyes, his black eyes shimmering. "Will you be my girlfriend?" At the last word his voice broke, now I understood why he was so nervous the entire day.
I smiled, but then I looked down to my hands entwined with his.
"Its because of him isn't it? I know what happened last week at prom hurt you, Bella, but I'm here for you..." He asked upset.
He was right, I was thinking about Edward, about how he came out of know where at prom, but I made him leave. I looked at Jacob, Edward hadn't come back, and I doubted he would ever come back after what happened last week. I looked back down, Jacob loved me, and I loved him, I needed to move on..."No, its
not him," He smiled at my answer, "Jacob..." I looked up to his eyes, "Of course I will be your girlfriend."
He sighed in relief, then looked out into the sun, the sun was halfway through, I knew this was the timing he was waiting for. He bent down to me, and I closed my eyes, he kissed me slowly first. His lips were incredibly warm they burned mine, but I didn't let go, it felt nice. He wrapped his arms around me and I brushed his cheeks. I knew I was going to blow it out of proportion when I went into a full blown kiss.
I gasped for air when our lips parted, he panted, "Wow, that" He beamed, "I liked it."
"So did I," I admitted with a blush. I wondered how many people saw that, and yet I didn't really care.
I woke up with a jolt. It was morning and I felt my eyes puffed up. I touched my lips, I could still feel the burning of Jacob's first kiss. I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. My eyes were so puffed up it was a miracle I could see through them.

"Mommy will you read me a story?" Alice said in a weak voice. I was sitting next to her hospital bed. I looked down at all the wires and the IV she had on her hand and shivered.
"Sure honey," I said getting a book out of my bag. Anthony was fast asleep.
I opened the book and began reading the story.
I couldn't help tears falling off my face when I read the story, I kept thinking about my children, if they would survive. They didn't know about their father and I wasn't planning on telling them until the time was right. I wouldn't want to worry them now, it wouldn't be healthy for them.
"'And they lived happily ever after'," I said ending the story, I sighed and the tears trickled slowly down my cheeks, I had a fairy tale ending once.
Alice had already fallen asleep, I sighed and put the book in her hands.
"Ma'am," the nurse said appearing out of the corner, I looked at her, "visiting hours are over, I'm sorry." I nodded and got up, giving a kiss to Alice and to Anthony.
I got out into the rain, I was surprised to find a yellow Prosche, and surprised to find the person inside of it. Behind the Porsche was a Mercedes that I knew oh too well, in front of all those was a familiar car, Edward's Vanquish, the car he used to take me to prom. My heart thumped faster as the smiling faces of Alice and Jasper, in the yellow car; Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme in the Mercedes. Alice waved at me to come in to her car; and Edward smiling brightly in his vanquish.
Edward opened the sliver Vanquish's car door gesturing me to come in. I walked obediently in it, smiling with shock.
"Whats this?" I asked.
He chuckled, "I knew you needed a pick-me-up and everyone wanted to see you, so..." He chuckled again.
"Thank you, Edward, this is exactly what I needed." I said, he smiled. I looked out back and back to where I was sitting, "Uh...nice cars."
He laughed, "Well, Alice's Porsche I bought her, she saw it in a magazine and wanted it. You know the Mercedes, and the vanquish of course." He said revving the engine, it purred -instead of the roar the rabbit did- angrily, I could tell the engine might be in tip-top shape. "We call these cars, our newer cars are back home."
"Yeah what about fitting in?" I asked.
"We don't live here anymore." He said smiling.
I sighed as we pulled out of the parking lot, and made our way down to their old mansion.
I felt a not in my stomach when we pulled up into the he glorious house, it didn't look the way I last saw it. It looked much older, but still beautiful. I looked around, the big white house looked foreign to me, like I didn't belong here, like I wasn't needed here.

chapter 15

Edward parked the car in front of the steps, I gaped at the house, my stomach was in knots. The engine of the car stopped in a low purr. "Want to go in?" Edward asked, I looked at him, he hesitated and took my hand, "It's going to be all right, they all want to see you."
I sighed a nodded slowly, I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest, I looked to the side where Alice had parked her car next to the vanquish, she looked at the house breathless, I could feel the tension coming off her body, I knew it was hard for her to walk into the house also, after all this time. She finally looked down to see me and winked. My breath caught in my throat as she got out and opened the door for me.
Edward let go of my hand and stepped out of the car. I nodded one more time and stepped my foot out on the stone driveway. I still towered over Alice, she smiled brightly, I could feel my eyes watering as I met her golden gaze. I sobbed once and hugged my sister.
Alice gasped and hugged me back.
I held her tiny stone body in mine, the tears fell down onto the floor. Her small body shaking with her sobs of happiness, I let go of Alice and I wiped my tears off, "I've missed you Alice." I said, my voice broke once.
Alice nodded, "You've been fine, I've been keeping an eyes on you." She said with a wink pointing at her temple.
I rolled my eyes, "Hopefully you didn't see anything inappropriate." I said blushing.
"Er...nice honeymoon." She said giggling. My blush deepened. "Oh, no don't worry, I didn't see none of that, Oh no, no, no. I only saw...oh never mind, I'm just happy I get to see you again!"
Edward rounded the car slowly he stretched out his hand and I took it, he squeezed it reassuringly. I sighed again and started walking with him up the steps to the front doors.
We stepped in and I gasped slowly looking around at the beautiful home that I hadn't seen for thirteen years since my eighteenth birthday. I looked to the corner of the room and I saw the beautiful white piano and the velvet seated bench.
I walked towards it and ran my finger across it, I ran my fingers through he keys remembering the first day Edward brought me here and played my lullaby on this very same piano.
Edward walked up behind me, placed his palm on my hand and ran his fingers through the keys. He chuckled softly and I looked up behind me to meet his eyes. My eyes flashed to his lips and mine grew open preparing to kiss him, I shook my head and looked back down blushing.
He laughed, "I missed that about you." He said running his fingers against my cheeks. I blushed harder.
"Me too!" Emmett said coming into the house and looking around him with a huge smile.
I laughed as he stretched out his hands apart and raised his eyebrows.
I let go of Edward's hand and half ran to hug Emmett. Emmett chuckled his booming laugh, holding onto me hard but not hard enough to break me. I laughed and rapped my arms around his waist- his shoulders were to high up. Emmett picked me up from the floor and swung me around like a five year old.
He put me down and I grabbed my head trying to steady myself.
"I missed you Bells!" He said.
I laughed, "I missed you too Emmett!"
Rosalie walked into the house, her mouth in a small 'o' shape. She looked at me and smiled slightly, and slightly glared as she looked at me blushing. I felt uneasy but she smiled widely and came with her arms wide, she wrapped her arms around me for a few seconds and then let go looking timid. "Nice to see you again Bella."
I nodded, and then I realized I might have looked like an idiot so I stopped, "I'm glad to see you again Rosalie."
Rosalie and Emmett went upstairs to their old room.
I turned and looked to the doors to see who else entered the room. Jasper entered the room looking straight at me, I froze when I saw his black eyes, he smiled, "Don't worry Bella, I have full control of my 'monster'. I'm er...sorry for the last time we saw each other." He frowned.
I smiled, "Don't worry Jasper, all has been forgotten." I stepped up and he walked forward, I had never been close to Jasper but it was still emotional to see him again so I walked up to him and hugged him. I stepped back, blushing at our closeness, "If I may ask though, why are you're eyes black?"
He chuckled, "Oh that, I forgot to hunt."
Alice led the way to the living room where the lovely sofa's were waiting for them all.
I looked at the door again and my heart fell to my stomach, I saw Esme and Carlisle standing in the doorway, both their smiles warm and tranquil. Esme walked up looking like she were to cry, "My dear Bella! I've missed you so much, I must never let Edward leave you!" She said hugging me and brushing my hair with her fingers.
I let her go and went to Carlisle. He smiled down at me, I looked up to see his warm smile. "Bella, we ave all missed you terribly and its great to see you again." I hugged him shyly.
Edward took me into the living room where everyone was huddled up in each couch, I hadn't seen them all enter the room.
I sat down next to Edward and everyone stared at me, I blushed -of course.
"Bella, I’ for what happened to Jacob." Alice said.
My heart stopped for a second, I was trying to avoid the subject with them but I knew this was the reason they came. "Thank you, Alice." I said breathless, my heart beat came in slower. And it took me a while to be able to breath well enough again.
"We all are, we know we were not so close to him, because of who he was...but we still feel horrible." Esme said.
I nodded, I looked at each of them and my heart fluttered, the family I was wishing once to be a part of were here with me, once again. They hadn't changed at all, I looked down to my hands, I knew i had changed. I looked ancient against each of them.
"I will do everything in my power for you not to lose you children." Carlisle said, I looked at him, tears returning to my eyes. I sobbed softly. "What’s wrong?" He asked worried, I knew he thought he said the wrong thing.
I shook my head in my hands, I looked up to see each of their worried faces, I clutched on to Edward’s hand, "I’m sorry, I appreciate that Carlisle, but the doctor just informed me that my children don't have much time, the doctor gives them each about two days," I said tears falling to Edward’s hands, my sobs were loud in the quiet room.
I looked up to meet each of their eyes. All of them full of anguish.
"I’m sorry," Alice breathed.
"Don’t be." I got up, they all looked at me, "I’m sorry but I have to go, prepare for...Jacob’s funeral."
"We’ll help you, and we’ll be there for you." Alice said standing up.
I looked at them all, they were all willing to help me. I smiled and nodded. Edward held my hand tight and led me out to the front door.
"Um...Edward, can I stay here? I don't want to go to an empty house, I’d much rather stay here, with you, and you’re family, you all will make these times for me better." I said looking up to meet his eyes.
They were the gentle soft butterscotch eyes that I adored, he smiled my favorite crooked smile, "Of course, madam."
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:56 pm

chapter 16

I sat on Edward's couch -which was facing the gigantic windows- looking out into the forest below me. It was dark out, I had spend my entire afternoon locked up in this room, I didn't feel like talking to anyone and everyone left me alone. Edward left saying he was going to go buy me a bed. I smiled picturing him jumping on the beds with Emmett, trying to figure out which one would be the softest.
I rubbed my eyes and winced, they burned from all the crying I had been doing lately. I shook my head, my hair must be a mess. I must look like a savage beast.
I looked down to my hands where my ring was placed in the middle of my left palm.I saw the glitter it gave as the moon shined on it. I closed my eyes and covered the ring with my other palm knowing that I was in the verge of tears. I could see my wedding day in my mind, the happiest day of my life. I sighed knowing that I would never be happy like that again.
My heart was breaking with every day that I realize Jacob is gone and that soon my children would follow. I can't take anymore sadness, my heart can't take anymore. It's more fragile than ever before. I feel like I'm not needed, like I'm not wanted, like I'm just a speck in the world. I don't deserve to live, I don't want to live.
I heard a soft knock on the door, I turned around and called out, "Come in!"
I sat back down looking out into the night sky, no cloud was in sight, I could see the shimmering stars and the big round moon.
Alice came around the corner of the couch, she smiled lightly but behind that smile was anger. I tried to smile back but I couldn't move my lips. Alice sat down fluidly on the couch, she looked out the window, the light of the moon on her face. For a second I saw her eyes turn black but then they made their way back to their golden color.
Alice turned to look at me, well glared at me, and sighed, "You're not actually thinking about doing that are you?" She asked, her voice curious but hard.
I cocked my head and then my eyes widened with shock when I realized what she might have seen. I shook my head feeling embarrassed for even thinking about such a thing. "No, Alice, well yes I was thinking it but I didn't actually plan about it..." I started to ramble, I sighed, "What did you see, exactly?"
Alice grimaced, "Well, I saw you taking Jacob's gun and cocking it on your head." She said, her voice still icy. "Why would you plan on doing that, Bella?" She asked in a hard shocked voice.
I blushed, "Alice, I have lost my husband," I said my voice cracking, she winced slightly, but I ignored her and continued, "I am going to lose my children...what else do I have left?" I asked in a pleading voice, my eyes gnawing into hers, I needed her to understand how much I didn't want to be here. I waited for her answer, when she didn't I sighed, "Nothing, so why should I live?"
"What?" Alice asked in a hurt voice, "You have nothing left? Bella, you have us, you have me." She said, " We all love you. And most importantly, Edward loves you. You have no idea what any of us have been through these past thirteen years, Bella. Knowing that we can't see you, you have no idea what it has been like for Edward. He sat around every night looking out into the moon moping on the porch. He skipped out of school because he was tired of seeing teens fall in love and then break up, he hated seeing girls hurt. Now imagine what will happen to him -to us- when he can never see you again, when you are dead."
Alice eyes burned in mine and I stopped looking into them. Alice had a point, I had skipped out on the most important people that have ever entered into my existence. And the most important person ever in my life, Edward.
I changed the subject, this is something I would want to talk about with Edward.
"So what have you been doing these past thirteen years." I asked her.
I knew she sensed me trying to change the subject and followed along, "I am kindergarten teacher -has Edward told you we gave up on school?-" She asked, I shook me head, and she continued, "for a private school. I have been teaching for three years, its nice being with little kids, they are so cute, but I feel I want to move up to something better."'
I nodded, "You haven't changed, look just like how I remember you," I said, I looked down at my hands, "Unlike me."
Alice scoffed, "Bella you have not changed much, really. You don't look much older than the last time I saw you, and that was thirteen years ago." She nodded, "You haven't gained much weight, but have gained the rightful curves that Rosalie and I didn't have the time to." She said with a wink. "You don't look much older than 23, and you're....32?" Alice giggled.
"That's what I thought also, " I heard a low smooth voice say from the entrance of the room. My heart thumped harder in my chest.
I turned to smile at him but as I did I froze. I looked at him -well, gaped, mostly- struck. His buttoned down shirt was halfway buttoned, I could see his pale and beautifully sculpted chest. I pulled my eyes a little more up to his pale pink lips, they were pulled up into my favorite crooked smile. I stared wide eyed at him as the moonlight made him glow a pale blue color.
"Thank you for agreeing Edward," Alice stood, and my heart thumped faster in my heart when I realized that she was going to leave Edward and I alone, "I'll see you later Bella." She looked at Edward and he chuckled.
Alice closed the door silently behind her and I knelt on the couch to look over to Edward, he smiled again, "You should get some sleep, Bella." Edward noted, "I'll bring up the bed.

I sat on the white sheets of the bed, Edward standing in front of me.
"Comfortable?" He asked me.
I nodded, "Very." I said bouncing slightly on the bed, "Thank you." I said, crossing my legs.
He smiled, "Anything for you."
I blushed and he sighed a chuckle. I knew he just said that to make me blush, he loved it when I turned red, even though it was embarrassing for me.
", Bella." He said and and started heading towards the door.
I stared at him, my hands itching to reach out to him and kiss him, I resisted the urge to kiss him but not the urge to stop him. "Edward, wait..." He turned slowly looking confused, "don't go, stay...just for tonight." I whispered.
He headed turned back smiling slightly and nodded.
He headed toward the couch and I gasped, he chuckled and headed to the bed, I blushed.
He sat down at the edge of the bed eyeing me. I crawled to his side and looked into his eyes, his smile faded, "Go to sleep, Bella." He said and his breath blew on my face and made my head spin.
I nodded remembering I wasn't 17 years old anymore, I was 32 and had kids and had a husband, but I couldn't deny the effect Edward had on me, I still loved him, and that love burned in me. There wasn't a way to put out the fire, never, the love for him would always burn in my heart.
I dropped my head on his lap, my body facing up to the ceiling. My head right under his.
He chuckled and moved himself to the wall, he kept my body on his.
"Now, sleep."
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:57 pm

chapter 17

I didn't sleep, I didn't want to sleep, I wanted so much to talk to Edward, alone, since I haven't really had the time to talk to him but I was too much of a coward so I pretended to fall asleep in his arms, all I wanted was to inhale his sweet aroma and hear his breathing, and feel him cradling me. Not until I accidentally sneezed did he realize I was never actually asleep.
He jumped startled and I cursed out loud. I looked up at him, thinking I were to find his smoldering dark eyes looking angrily down at me, but instead I found his eyes liquid golden and amused, and his crooked smile on him. He shook his head slightly, chuckling, "This whole time you were not asleep?" He asked amused.
I dropped my head and nodded, he chuckled again making the bed shake slightly.
"Why?" He asked, lifting my head with his fingers.
I blushed, "Because I wanted time with you...I wanted to talk with you, but I couldn't make my lips move." I said.
He smiled and dropped his head low, I thought he was going to kiss me but he whispered into my ear, instead, "You can talk to me anytime..."
I shivered as his cool breathe made its way to the back of my neck. I looked up at him and nodded, "Why did you come back?" I asked, this question hadn't been answered completely and I needed to know.
Edward sat me up and moved in front of me, he crossed his legs and looked directly into my eyes, "Do you want to hear the full story of my thirteen years away?" He asked me, my heart thumped.
I nodded slowly.
Edward looked down to the mattress, I could tell he was entering in a part of his life that he regretted. I took his hands and gave them a soft squeeze. He smiled and sighed and began speaking. His voice was softer than I have ever heard it, it sounded far away so I paid close attention to whatever he was to say.
"After I left you, thirteen years ago, I went out looking for Victoria..." I gasped but Edward held up a finger telling me not to interrupt, I nodded and he continued, "I never found her, apparently your wolves found her, I found out because that was the day I came to see you at prom..." His face fell into a small frown.
I remembered back to when I was 18, I remembered Jacob telling me when they found Victoria and that they smelled another vampire near by, but it didn't seem like much of a threat. I looked at Edward and nodded, "That's why you came? To find out if the wolves had caught Victoria, but you never really got to talk to me because right after you said 'will you take me back' I ran away from you..." I said, my breath caught in my throat.
Edward nodded and continued his explanation to my question, "I should have started with Victoria rather than asking if you could take me back, huh?" I looked at him and blushed feeling embarrassed, but I nodded.
" continue."
"Right, I returned home after five years of being gone, I cant explain that to you, its a very dark part of my life that I dread to revisit even in my thoughts," He shuddered, and I ran my fingers through his palm making him relax, "Alice had been angry with me for about two months, almost no one talked to me int he house, except for Esme and Emmett and Carlisle, every body else weren't to happy with me.
"I never decided to go back to school, I wanted to stay away from school as much as possible, I know Alice told you this earlier today but I'll explain the whole reason... I didn't want to go back because I wasn't able to stand human thoughts much, I had been isolated from humans for so long I couldn't control my power, it would get out of control and I would pick up any thoughts from anywhere. The human girls thoughts would have devastated me and the males' would have tormented, I especially didn't want to hear the thoughts of...'lovers'.
"That would have destroyed me, I couldn't handle two teens falling ‘in love’ with each other, they didn't know what love meant, they were just attracted to each other, so much it would have disgusted me." Edward nodded slowly, and looked at me. I smiled at him, "They don't know what true love is until they meet some one like you-"
"Or you." I said, and I immediately blushed.
"Right." Edward said with a smile.
"Continue..." I said looking down at our entwined hands and blushing. I dropped my hands from his and he took my hands back in his.
He nodded, "Where was I, oh hurt me knowing that people were still falling in ‘love’ out there in the world, but what was much worse was knowing that they would not last and their thoughts would surround their ex and I couldn't bare to hear their thoughts, heartbreak and sadness, it would all lead my thoughts to you..."
I nodded understanding and he continued to talk, "I stayed home and until a couple of years ago did I try to pursue a job in neurology, and I got it.
"I was always depressed ad I knew I got on every one's nerves, especially since every night I would go out to the porch and stare at the moon, looking out into a bright starry sky, the stars reminded me of you, it reminded me of every night that I used to spend in your room. About a week ago did Alice and Jasper insist for me to come, I wasn't sure, I was scared that you would dump me like that night at prom...." He said looking away from me and out to the moonlight.
I looked at him, feeling sorry for everything that had happened to him...I laughed softly and he looked at me with a questioned face, "No, I’m not laughing at you, really, I’m laughing that we both have our share of now." I said clutching onto my chest, it ached when I thought of Jacob’s death, our first kiss, and when I thought about Edward, my first kiss ever with a boy and with him, in the meadow, and him leaving me in the forest. "I’m sorry." I whispered.
"About...?" He asked.
"About how you’re life was after I left you at prom." I said covering my face with my hands.
Edward chuckled and took a hand off my face, "I lived through it..." He whispered, "and so did you..." He said with a soft sigh.
I covered my face again feeling embarrassed about the perfect life I had after he left and the horrible life I put Edward through after prom. I was living the good life and he was isolating himself from the world -from his family, even.
Edward chuckled again stroking my hair softly, "Bella, don't feel embarrassed about that, the reason why I left in the first place was for you to have a human life, to have a family and you did, so I feel perfect that I at least that came true." Edward smiled a perfect smile, yes you are perfect, I thought.
I looked at my hands, "So, you are fine with me marrying and all that?" I asked shocked.
He nodded his smile still in place, "I would have done anything to keep you happy, Bella." Edward said tracing random circles on the palm of my hand, "even if it meant leaving and losing your love forever."
I blushed and slipped my hand out of his grasp, "Edward, I have never stopped loving you."
Edward shot his head to me, "Really?"
I rolled my eyes, "Haven’t you noticed these past few days?" I asked shocked.
"I thought you were bluffing....I thought the kiss was just pay back, you trying to toy with my emotions."
"Never, not about that."
We laughed quietly together, our eyes connected. Then the laughter drifted into a peaceful silence.
"But, I'm so old, and I know I shouldn't love you."
"Bella, you don't look old, really, thought Alice did exaggerated about '23' she though "26' and so do I."
"26! So I looks about ten years older than you? That's horrible!" I whimpered.
"Bella, I pass for a twenty two right now. You only look four years older than me," he assured me, I connected with his eyes and they were saying he was telling the truth.
I blushed, "Thank you."
I stared at Edward liquid butterscotch eyes, my heart putting itself back together, the holes closing up. I drew my head an inch closer to his, my eyes now focused on his flawless lips, I opened my mouth slowly, Edward’s eyes bulged open when he realized what I was about to do. I licked my lips, feeling the taste of his on mine.
Edward pulled back slowly, his teeth clenched and his eyes went hard. I can be stubborn too, I thought moving my head forward still. Edward’s head bumped the wall and I smiled, he was cornered. I pressed my lips gently on his neck, I brushed my lips slowly up his neck and kissed his cheek.
I giggled and cuddled next to him, rapping the blanket on me and sighed.
"Goodnight, love." Edward said.
"Goodnight." I said moving myself closer to his body.
Edward slowly rapped his arm around me and I sighed happily once more before sleep carried me away.

chapter 18

Bella had fallen asleep instantly, I smiled, she slept soundly and calm, every now and then she would jump and groan, and mumble something unintelligible. I sat down next to her, my back against the wall and my head skunked forward and my knees curled up, almost touching my face, my hands on my knees.
Bella groaned again, "Jacob," she murmured and drifted back to sleep.
I shook my head as the word that came out of her mouth ached my heart. I knew I had left Bella in the first place, and I wanted her to have a happy life, she got one, but why does it bother me so? Was it because she she did move on? Was it because she loved someone else? Was it because she had kids? No. It was because she got married with Jacob Black, had kids with him, and married him. She lived a happier life with him then she would have with me.
I at least owed Jacob that much, he protected Bella in her time of need, while I ran like a coward.
Bella shifted once more, ", Jacob." She sighed.
I shivered, her words clicked together in my head, "Of course I want to be your girlfriend, Jacob," I could imagine Bella saying them, her bright young smile and her wide happy brown eyes, I could picture her leaning up and pressing her lips against his.
I shivered once more, my own thoughts bothered me.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, I picked it up, "What, Alice?" I asked.
"Bella is going to wake up soon, and I will be down here at her house setting up for the funeral...bring her down as soon as she is ready, make sure she isn't too tense, the werewolves will notice and wont be too happy." Alice said, followed by a, "Emmett the flowers don't go there!"
"Fine." I said, "See you there then."
I heard a click and the room was silent again.
I drifted back into my own thoughts of Bella...I sighed and chuckled as once again she murmured something, "No...I'm too old."
I frowned, I knew she was thinking about her being too old for me, I scoffed internally, Bella just couldn't comprehend that age was not important to me, she honestly did not look old, and I was suppose to be 119 years old. Age was just an insignificant number that categorized people, I categorize by the love we have for each other, and that would be enough to make up for those couple of years of age difference between Bella and I.
I sighed, Bella didn't understand how much she meant to me, her age did not matter to me. I have never loved anyone as much I as do to her, she was my one and only love.
Seconds later Bella began to shift more, the sun peered for a second behind the thick clouds, filling the room up with my bright glow. Bella shot up with a gasp and she looked at me at first, then she rubbed her eyes.
"Good morning." I whispered.
She groaned again and peered out the window, the sun had hidden once again into the clouds, she scowled at the dark sky. I chuckled.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
She shrugged, "Forks days' are really starting to bug me," She said pulling off the sheets and standing up. She stretched and then I saw her look down at herself, she noticed she was wearing her purple and pink short silk dress pajamas and she immediately blushed and jumped back under the covers.
I laughed quietly.
"Can, I private?" She asked.
I nodded and exited the room with another laugh. I ran down to the bottom of the steps and noticed no one was home. I walked over to the white leather love seat and lay down.
I tried to get the image of how Bella looked in that silk pajama -her curves of her waist and legs- out of my head. The way her hair fell gently on her shoulders down to her middle back. I smiled to myself, how I wanted to run my finger through her body, feeling her every curve.
"Edward?" Bella asked from the top of the stairs.
I sat up, "Hmm?"
"Are you going to stay with me at the funeral, I would really appreciate it if you did, and your whole family too...?" Bella asked, I noticed she hadn't dresses yet and i struggled to keep my eyes from wandering further down than her neck.
I sighed, "We cant Bella, Charlie will be there, and Billy, and most of your friends too, of course. They cant see us. But we could see you after." I said. And I noticed her brown eyes water for a second.
"Oh...OK," she said, turned away to hide the tear that fell from her face and escaped back to my room to change.
Bella's POV.
I pulled my hair up to a bun, letting my black veil fall to cover my face. I kept myself simple, a simple black dress and simple make up, just how Jacob liked me. I did paint my lips a dark shade of red, maroon almost.
Edward drove me to my house in silence, we arrived at the house in record time, it was beautifully decorated with hundreds of flowers around the entrance. I sighed when I saw all the Cullens exit the house and wave goodbye.
"We'll see you tomorrow, Bella." Edward said trying to open my door.
"Why not tonight?" I asked.
"Would you want to?" He asked.
I nodded, I didn't want to be by myself tonight, the burial would be tomorrow and I would get a drop of sleep without any of the Cullens next to me. I closed my eyes, the burial. I had called Dr. Snow before I left the mansion, he told me my children had very little time, they would most likely die by tomorrow morning. I would want every single Cullen to visit my children, to know them, to talk to them, before...
I got out of the car and all four cars escaped down the lonely street.
I walked alone, along the entrance way, looking up to the lonely house. I felt the soft prickle of the rain on my face - I had pulled my Vail off my face.
I walked into the house, my steps echoed through the passage way, I entered the living room where a wooden coffin was placed in the middle of the room. I held onto the sofa for balance and I walked slowly to it. I ran my finger through the wood and found patterns on the way, I smiled when I noticed the small wolf chiseled into the wood. And the nae Jacob Black was carved on it.
The pain hit me then and I fell to the floor gasping in tears.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:58 pm

chapter 19

The sun broke through the horizon, I lay on the pile of dirt, crying, and thrashing like a baby missing its mother.
I dug my nails into the dirt, I felt some one pick me up slowly, but with gentle arms, I sobbed into his chest digging my nails into his skin, he didn't feel anything.
"Shh...Bella, it's's fine." Edward whispered while he stroked my hair. "Come on, lets get out of the cemetery, it wont do you good to stay here any longer." Edward towed me out of the cemetery, I looked once more at Jacob's tomb and gasped.
It finally really kicked in that he was dead. He would never return, I would never see him again.
"How long were you there?" Edward asked me.
"What day is it?" I asked stupidly.
"Since yesterday 7pm." I said.
"You've been here all night?"
I nodded.
"Lets go see your children." Edward offered. I nodded again and he sped our way to my house, for me to change.

"You can come in and see them." The nurse said happily, I saw her eyes sparkle when they rested on Edward. "I'll bring in more chairs..." She stopped in front of Carlisle and he bit his lip, "You look familiar, have I seen you before?" She asked.
Carlisle straightened up, "No my dear lady, if I would of I would have remembered you." He said in a charming voice leaving the nurse dazed and confused. Esme snickered.
I walked in slowly, I noticed little Alice and Anthony were both watching television, it was put into their favorite channel.
Little Alice looked up happily, "Mommy!" She said, her voice was weak and her eyes looked droopy and tired, I tried to smile, but a tear escaped my eye. Anthony looked stronger but still very weak.
I walked in between the two beds and sat down int he chair, "I have some people I would want you to meet." I said.
"Mommy? Why hasn't daddy visited us yet?" Little Alice asked.
I winced, "He's, he'll come soon, promise." I said and little Alice nodded as well as Anthony. "OK you want to meet the new people?" I asked, they nodded happily.
As soon as I finished my sentence Alice, Emmett, Carlisle, Rosalie, Jasper, Esme, and Edward walked in happily, each of them holding balloons.
"Hey, I remember you!" Anthony yelped, "You're Edward! Hi again!"
Little Alice blushed when she noticed Edward also, I knew she had a small crush on him since Edward dropped by.
"Hello." Edward responded winking at little Alice, she giggled, and bigger Alice smacked him on the arm.
"Alice, this is, Alice, my best friend that I named you after." I said, Alice stepped forward, her eyes soft and happy.
"Hi, Alice!" Bigger Alice exclaimed.
Little Alice's eyes widened in happiness. "You're pretty! I like you, you're nice too!"
Alice sighed, I saw sadness in her eyes. "Of course you know my brother, Edward, ow meet my husband, Jasper." Alice said.
Jasper walked up. "Hello, Alice, Anthony. I would like you to meet my twin Rosalie."
Rosalie walked up and gave Anthony and little Alice a hug, "Hello, you two, you're mother has said nothing but beautiful things about you." She said.
Anthony gaped at Rosalie.
"Meet my husband Emmett." Emmett came out and Anthony and little Alice craned their heads to see him, they smiled.
Emmett gave them his famous bear hugs. "Meet my mother Esme."
Esme looked sad when she walked up to see my children, she looked at me and gave both of them a hug. A tear escaped my eyes wen I saw my children met my former family. The final Cullen walked up and I knew he could sense my children's exhaustion, the sadness crept over me and Jasper immediately send his waves of calm.
The nurse entered with two chairs, another younger nurse entered with another two and a male doctor entered the room with another two.
"Bella, you're children are lovely," Esme said giving me a helpful hug.
"Thank you, Esme."
"I like Alice." Alice said walking up to little Alice. Little Alice giggled as soon as Alice pulled out Candy Land.
"I like them both!" Emmett said, his booming voice making Anthony jump with excitement.
The sun was beginning to set and Anthony was beginning to fall asleep in Rosalie's arms. Little Alice was giggling happily as Emmett and Edward told her jokes. "I love vampires, my mother is fond of them too, she has a couple of vampire books and I was a vampire once for Halloween!" Little Alice exclaimed. Emmett and Edward chuckled.
"Bella." Alice whispered in a gasp.
I looked at her as soon as she froze, her eyes were far away and I knew that look. She breathed heavily once more and started weeping. I looked over to Rosalie, she froze, Carlisle got up and moved to Anthony quickly. Rosalie stood up and walked towards me. Emmett and Edward left little Alice to come by me. Edward held on to my hand. Jasper sent another one of his waves but it wouldn't work, my sadness for my son's approaching death was too much for Jasper's power to control.
Esme froze on her chair, I knew seeing children die was hard for her, especially since her baby died.
Anthony's pulse quickened just as Jacob's had, I pushed through Edward and Carlisle and wrapped my arms around him. Anthony heaved for air and trembled in my arms. Carlisle shook his head as well as Alice - I knew that was confirmation for Anthony's death. I hugged him hard trying to contain his soul in his small body, I sobbed uncontrollably, my body shaking, the tears falling like a waterfall on Anthony's bed.
Little Alice stared wide-eyed shocked. Nurses flew in the room and took little Alice out. The doctor pushed me off of Anthony and I kicked as much as I did for Jacob to get back to my son's side. I yelled in pain and anguish as I saw Anthony's eyes shoot open, terrified and then stare blankly into space.
"No!" I yelled and fell to the floor thrashing, Edward picked me up and I clutched onto his arm.
My heart pumped hard in my chest as soon as I saw Anthony's pulse slow. Edward let me go and I fell to my knees in front of Anthony's bed. He sighed, "Mommy." And then his pulse stopped forever.
"Nooooooo!" I crawled on top of the bed, lying my body on top of my son's, sobbing uncontrollably. "Anthony, No!"
My baby was dead, I clutched onto his little body, the little body that I held and cradled when he was a baby, the little body that hugged me every time he came back from school, the little body that I treated when he was sick.. His warm smile and kind soul was gone forever. I shut my eyes hoping the sadness would kill me too.
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Number of posts : 49
Age : 32
Location : volterra, italy
House : Emmett house!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-27

nicoles stories (emmett house) Empty
PostSubject: Re: nicoles stories (emmett house)   nicoles stories (emmett house) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 5:58 pm

chapter 20

"Isabella Black, Please, just this once!" Alice begged.
"No, Alice, I refuse to be your barbie doll!" I screamed. I really didn't want to be her personal barbie, it was torture being under all those old fashion hair curlers and the strong smell of that hairspray she used on me, and that make up! NO! "No, let me go!" I said tugging my hand out of hers.
She easily got it again and tried to tug me back into her walk in closet. "It wont be as bad as prom, I promise!" Alice begged again, I refused to meet her eyes or else I would have paid attention to her, instead, I tugged with my eyes closed.
"Alice, I am your elder now you have to respect!"
"Haha, Bella, I'm not young anymore, considering that I was changed when I was nineteen, makes me an adult and I don't have to pay attention my 'elders' and the fact that I am actually 118 years old, you should be respecting me!" She hissed at me, still trying to tug me in.
I pouted, I knew she was right.
"That's it." Alice said with one easy tug and she pulled me into the closet, I grimaced, I hated the fact that she was a vampire, she was so much stronger than me, despite her small size.
"Alice, really, stop, tomorrow is not all that important anyway," I said still trying to avoid getting a major makeover.
Alice gasped, "Bella, it is a very important day! It's your birthday! That has to be important, none of us have made it to the year of 33!" Alice said to my horror.
"No," I gasped, "don't say that, you make me seem so old!" I said in a shriek.
At that second Aly and Anthony walked it. They giggle loudly at the scene Alice was putting me through, I guess it must have looked funny, me planting my butt on the floor, resisting Alice dragging me into her closet.
I got up swiftly, "Hello, kids." I said.
"Hi mommy, hi Alice" Little Alice -Aly- said happily munching her way into a bag of cheese Cheetos.
"Hi Alice, hi mommy!" Anthony said with a chocolate milk mustache.
"Hi, sweeties!" Alice said in a baby tone. Both Aly and Anthony looked at each other and scoffed. "Okay, now back to this."
I slumped over I made my eyes as sad as I could, it was pretty easy, it was my first birthday without Jacob since we got married, "please, Alice, don't make a big deal about this, I can't think about my birthday, it just brings sadness."
Alice took in my expression and sighed and let me go, her face fell but she nodded, she understood how I felt. "I'm sorry, Bella, I know...I know." Alice gave me a kiss on the cheek and took Aly and Anthony with her.
My head slumped over the soft couch, the heat of the sun making it warm. A single tear escaped my eyes, as I remembered how miraculously both my children had survived the incident.
The sun hit me right on the side of my cheek, the warmness once again reminded me ,as always, of Jacob's touch. I whimpered and sniffled as I knew I wouldn't spend my birthday with my husband. I closed my eyes and hoped I could fall asleep, I wouldn't want to feel the sadness anymore.
"Jacob put me down please!" I begged Jake, he carried my from the bottom of the hotel to the top, and in the elevator too. He shook his head, "This is so embarrassing!" I groaned.
Jacob chuckled and kissed my neck softly until the elevator dinged and he got off on the twenty second floor. He growled playfully and got the pass key out of his pocket, he put it into the slot and the door flew open, he set me down gently on the bed and closed the door.
I looked around, this hotel room was more romantic then any I've ever been to, with flowers and rose petals everywhere. Everything was red too- the red silk bed cover and the red window drapes, the red petals on the floor leading to the hot tub throwing a red light. Jacob must have gotten the best honeymoon suite at the hotel.
Jacob thanked someone and, I noticed, he had ordered champagne, I rolled my eyes.
He came up to me and pured me a glass of wine, he knelt in front of me and kissed my hand, "Happy Birthday, Isabella." He smiled, "may all your wishes come true tonight."
"Most of them have already, getting married to you, having you forever, having a great wedding party, having my family happy with whom I married, starting my life with a husband, and getting accepted to a great college along with you." I said kissing the tip of his nose.
"You're very welcome." He said taping his glass against mine, they clinked and I sipped mine while he chugged his down.
I looked around the room again in awe, "Jacob I didn't know you were this romantic." I said running my hands through the sheets.
He chuckled, "You may find your self getting surprised of how romantic I can be." He said still chuckling, "I'm glad you are having a great birthday."
"The best! But, I still want something else." I said, Jacob looked at me and cocked his head confused. I blushed as he looked at me still confused, I leaned forward to his neck I kissed it softly brushing my tongue up to his jawline, my fingers slid on his back and traced down, he shivered slightly and I smiled. I began taking off his red vest, plying at the buttons, finally I managed to get the buttons out of the way and threw the vest to the side.
Jacob growled playfully again as he took my wine glass and put the on the coffee table.
He got hold of my shoulders and pushed me down to the bed, he lay on top of my kissing my neck gently, his heated lips burned my neck, I sighed happily as his hot skin tickled me.
My puffy white dress got in the way as I tried to rap my legs around his wait, I scowled. Jacob knew what he had to do and began unzipping and unbuttoning and unlacing my dress from the back, he maintained kissing me.
I stopped kissing him as I felt a breeze coming into my torso, I blushed and rapped my arms over my chest. Jacob raised his eyebrow. I sighed knowing he was going to have to see my body -my whole body sooner or later- so I let go and pulled down my dress from my body by myself, and I unstrapped my bra and threw it to the side. Jacob chuckled and kissed my neck down my midriff to my belly-button. I shivered.
I threw my shoes off as Jacob took off his shirt and pants.
He lay back on me and I rapped my arms and legs around his body as he kissed me anywhere he pleased, -he preferred my torso area, neck, and lips.
I awoke with a sigh, I noticed the sun had gone down and now the stars where shimmering happily above the Forks trees.
Edward chuckled in front of me. I looked over at him, shocked, I hadn't realized he was here. "What did you hear now?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't hear anything that was too embarrassing.
Edward shrugged, "Nothing, really, just the part where you said, 'I want something else'," He winked.
I blushed and put my head in my hands in embarrassment.
"Don't worry. Its all right" After a few quiet seconds he chuckled again, I looked at him questionably, "Alice says she is still doing a party if you like it or not." He said smiling, but then his smile faded, "if you don't want a party we'll understand, I'll knock some sense into Alice." Edward said looking at me. "Though your daughter and son are happy about the party."
I tried to smile but I couldn't, I, instead, looked up to see the happily twinkling stars once more.
He continued, though, his voice calm, "Bella, I know how much you ...miss... Jacob..." He began, I didn't answer, I stared blankly at the moon trying not to cry, "I’ll go tell Alice not to do anything for your birthday, I’ll take you and your children back now." He got up and I my head jerked rapidly to him.
"No, don't spoil Alice’s fun, its fine, I am sad I wont be with Jacob, but something inside me tells me to move on, to have fun." I said, trying to control my voice from breaking. "Beside, I should be happy, I mean both my children survived, Aly with no problems, but Anthony had died for a couple of seconds before he regained consciousness thanks to Carlisle, I should be celebrating."
He nodded, smiling. "True."
"Edward?" I asked, after a couple of minutes of silence, in a hoping voice.
He sat down on the far side of the couch, I scooted up to him, his face inches away from mine.
He backed up a couple of inches, "Yes?"
I stared at him, my heart thumping in my chest a mile a minute. "Thank you for everything you have done for me in these long months, really, I owe you a lot. You have proven your love to me..." I said, he smiled those flawless lips wider.
"I have always loved you."
Without a fair warning I jumped on him and pulled his face to mine, I tilted my head to the side and met his lips with mine. I grasped hard on his neck, so he wouldn't escape, but he didn't seem to want to get out, he kissed me back. It had been seven months since our last kiss, and in this one I didn't feel much guilty, every night I saw Jacob in my dreams, telling me to be happy, to stop mourning for him and find love again, that he would be fine with it, he would be happy that I would, well it was my time to pay attention.
I tangled my hands on his hair pushing him toward me more, his icy lips on mine, his cool tongue brushing mine, his breath tasting sweet in my mouth. I opened my mouth in a gasp and continued with the kiss, his icy lips leaving a hot feeling after, he stopped kissing my lips and went down to kiss my neck, I closed my eyes enjoying the moment as his lips brushed my collar bone and throat.
His lips trailed back up to my lips and I kissed him again.
His hands were knotted at my back and my hands were tied behind his neck.
I pulled back with tears streaming down my face.
"I’m sorry." Edward said looking at my eyes water.
I shook my head, "I’m not crying because of sadness, I’m crying because of happiness."
Edward smiled, my favorite breathtaking crooked smile. "I do love you very much, Isabella." My heart thumped as he said my full name.
"I do too, forever and always." I said tracing his lips with my finger tip. He pecked my finger once and smiled his bright white smile.
"Any other unexpected surprises?"
I dropped my head instantly knowing that the next words out of my mouth would upset him. "I want you to bite me." I said, biting my own lips, I didn't look up at him but I heard him sigh frustrated.
"Edward, I love you and I want to be with you, I’ll give you anything that you want in return for my eternity with you." I said spreading my arms across.
It was a long minute, Edward’s brows were furrowed. "But what about your daughter and your son?." He asked.
"My children will understand when they gets older, they are young so they wont know what has happened to me."
"I cant take you away from you human life when your children still live."
"I said they will understand, Edward. I know my daughter. When they are old enough I'll tell them...please." I pleaded.
"Your son will most likely be a werewolf." Edward pressed.
I scowled, "He is my son, he will understand." I snapped.
Edward glared, "Not when he's a wolf."
"Edward, I have thought about this, trust me, I know my children will understand, and who really knows if Anthony will be a werewolf. Please?"
A long while passed, I stared into Edward's eyes, "Okay." He finally said with a sigh.

That night I slept soundly in Edward's warm embrace, I dreamed again, I was kissing Edward, just like I had earlier, and Jacob appeared. I looked at Jacob, scared he was going to get mad, instead he smiled and nodded, he smiled at Edward and me and said, "Thank you." And disappeared in a slow mist. I knew it was a sign that Jacob, wherever he was, approved.

"Thank you, Alice." I said on the phone, the party had just ended. Everyone had just left about five minutes ago."I had fun, sort I had fun."
"You’re welcome." She said over the phone. "Edward will be there in, three, two, one. Bye, Bella, see you in three days...don't worry, your darlings will have lots of fun camping out for three days with Rosalie and I."
I heard a soft knock on the door and my heart thumped hard in my chest.
I went and answered the door, and of course, as Alice predicted, Edward was standing out side.
He went in and I sat down on the couch, where I wanted him to bite me.
He sighed once, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked warily.
"Yes, although what would people say when they see me with a seventeen year old boy?" I asked shocked.
He chuckled darkly, "Bella, how many times do we have to say this, you don't looks older than 26, once you’re a vampire you could easily pass for 20." He winked.
We stared at each other for a long while until I kissed his lips for a few moments then backed up and pulled my hair up in a ponytail, clearing my hair from my neck. "I’m ready."
Edward leaned in but not to my neck, to my lips, he pressed his lips on mine and I hung onto his neck, the kiss lasted only for a few short seconds, but it was passionate enough to keep me going for the three days of hell I was about to go through.
Edward hesitated, I felt his icy breath near my neck, I kept my arms around him, I tilted my head to the side, telling him I was ready. He took in a deep breath and leaned into my neck, kissed it first, "Wait." He whispered.
"What?" I asked.
"Marry me?" He asked me, lifting his head, seeing me through his long thick lashes, his hair falling on his face making him look sweet an innocent, I couldn't resist saying no.
"Yes." I said, kissing lips then he dug his teeth in my skin and the fire lurched in my body in an instant.
Three days for eternity...

the end
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