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 A Vampiric Secret (i'm working on making it a novel)

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Number of posts : 46
Age : 30
Location : moonlite paradise
Registration date : 2007-12-29

A Vampiric Secret (i'm working on making it a novel) Empty
PostSubject: A Vampiric Secret (i'm working on making it a novel)   A Vampiric Secret (i'm working on making it a novel) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 23, 2008 3:46 pm

A Vampiric Secret
His piercing teeth sunk into my throat. The action that followed was being slowly drained from my body. Most people who hear of these sorts of things assume it is a fast process- they’re wrong. It is slow and immensely painful. My soul began to slowly sail into the wonders of the afterlife, yet… right before I slipped into the final darkness of death, thoughts of my beloved Serenity swirled about my mind.
The sound of metal on the old oak doors rang through the castle. Serenity rushed down the spiral staircase as a second set of knocks echoed through the estate. Serenity pulled open the large doors, yet instead of the guests she had been expecting, she saw a boy who appeared to be around seventeen years of age.
“May I help you,” she asked her Transylvanian accent deep and seducing.
“Uh… yeah. My name is Krystallian Michael; I am doing a report on Count Dracula and figured that I would get the most information by talking to one of his descendents. So I was hoping to speak to Vlad Dracula… if that is at all possible,” the boy replied.
“My father happens to be busy at the moment… but if it is information you are looking for then perhaps I may be of some service. Please, come in,” Serenity said as she stepped aside to allow him to pass through. She was hoping that he would find her, as well as the information she would give him, rather interesting.
“Thank you,” he said as he walked past her; awed by the elegant gothic-Victorian design the castle showed.
“May I presume you would like to know the Count’s history in general, or is there something in particular you would enjoy knowing? Oh, and forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself- my name is Serenity.”
As he told her what it was he already knew and what he needed to know her eyes began taking in every detail of his young, mortal body. His raven black hair and emerald green eyes hypnotized her. Without being consciously aware of it she began slowly inching her body closer to his… or maybe it was the other way around. Yet whosoever was moving didn’t matter for both hearts were racing. By now they were hardly inches apart and that space quickly disappearing. Right as their lips were about to meet…
“Am I interrupting something?” It was Serenity’s father, Vlad, who had awoken from his cold, death-like slumber. At his words the two quickly separated.
“No… nothing… nothing at all,” Serenity said so softly it could almost be mistaken for the wind.
“May I ask your name young man,” Vlad asked to Krystallian; although coming from him it was more like a demand.
“My name is Krystallian Michael, uh…sir,” Krystallian stammered.
“‘Tis a pleasure I’m sure. Yet I do wish to inquire how you and my daughter came to know each other.”
“He came to get information about Count Dracula, Father,” Serenity said quickly. “Krystallian attends the local college and is doing a paper on him.”
“Ah… well, that is a different matter. Serenity, go fetch this young man something to eat,” Vlad said.
As Serenity prepared the meal she heard her father giving in-depth details on the Count. After pondering for a while on what to feed Krystallian she finally decided on lightly seasoned steak and a soda. Most all teenagers enjoyed such things these days, right? She figured he would enjoy it even if that wasn’t the case. She brought the food into the sitting room on a silver platter and placed it before Krystallian. Yet as she had entered the room memories over took her…
“Zachary? Zachary?! Are you here,” she had asked. As she walked into his bedroom she saw that he was there however…so her father was. A scream had but just escaped her lips when he was upon her.
She felt the pain of his teeth entering the skin on her neck, the firm grip of his hand holding her neck to his mouth. Serenity could feel the blood leaving her just as she assumed it had her beloved Zachary. Pain surged through her body like electrical currents. The world she knew was turning to darkness; she was on the brink of death. Her thoughts turned from the pain that surged through her and to her beloved Zachary. She thought of the first time they kissed, the feeling of his body against hers, and yet, the thought her mind could turn from no longer than a few seconds was that it was her father who had stolen him from her.
“Serenity? Are you okay,” Krystallian asked, his voice filled with concern. He helped Serenity stand, refusing to let go of her for fear that she may fall again.
“Yes,” Serenity said the image of Zachary’s lifeless body still vivid in her mind. “Everything is… fine.”
“You gave us quite a scare Serenity,” Vlad said as he eyed her with suspicion. “Yet… I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Its getting late,” Serenity said as she turned to face an open window so that her father wouldn’t see the fear in her eyes. “Krystallian should be getting home.”
“May I come again tomorrow,” Krystallian asked turning his eyes, so full of hope, to Serenity.
“We shall see,” she said her voice soft. “May I speak with you alone, Krystallian?”
“Of course.” With a nod to Vlad, Krystallian rose to follow Serenity out of the room and on to the front lawn.
“Krystallian,” Serenity said once they were a few feet from the castle door. “You have heard the vampire rumors about my family, correct? Well… they are true. I… my father and I are vampires. My father is Count Dracula, as am I the Countess Serenity Marie.” Even though she could feel his gaze Serenity gazed at the ground, she was too scared to meet his eyes.
“I am afraid that I don’t understand,” Krystallian said, looking at her with confusion. “How could you be a monster?”
“Not everything in the rumors are true, for example, we can’t change into bats or other creatures; yet the basic theory, we drink blood and live forever (if nature is not disrupted), is true. My father… he took Zachary away from me and I don’t think I can handle losing you the way I lost him.”
“Zachary? Zachary Beachwood?! That’s the stable boy they found dead back in… 1817.” Krystallian didn’t say anymore, all the blood drained from his face as he stared at the front door. Vlad had come outside.
“Run, Krystallian,” Serenity said, not letting her eyes leave her father. “Run!”
Krystallian took off running yet Serenity knew that he wasn’t going to be fast enough; as her father took off towards Krystallian at an amazing speed; Serenity stopped him by throwing him back towards the house. Vlad got up and yet again was thrown from Krystallian. As Serenity rushed for a stake she heard….
“Thou shall feel guilt if thou slaughter thy father,” Vlad said his voice unbelievably calm. Serenity ignored the comment.
“This is for Zachary,” Serenity said as she plunged a stake through his heart. “Oh and believe me, I will not feel guilty about this. Not when my father has been lost to me for centuries; you are only a demon spirit whom has overtaken his body like a disease.”
Seeing the anger and sadness intertwined in her eyes Vlad said, “Your father loved you very much…. he is sorry for the pain he has inflicted upon you.” Vlad was not able to say anymore for his soul had finally found eternal peace.
Serenity knew that what she had killed had no longer been her father yet still she mourned his death. Krystallian helped her to bury the body in the family cemetery. Krystallian finished his report on the Count and included information not known by anyone else. Yet when asked how he received the information that night he always responded, “If I told you it would no longer be a mystery…”
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